My Poor Baby (Bill Hader)

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(Part 2 of Don't Worry, They'll Love You) (It wasn't requested as a part 2 but it fits perfectly)

Y/N and Bill weren't new when it came to taking care of sick kids. Between Bill's three girls and Y/N's three boys, they had plenty of experience.

When the cries of their eight month old, Willy, flooded their room through the baby monitor at three in the morning, Y/N immediately shot up in the bed. Willy had caught a cold from one of his siblings, and he didn't feel good at all.

Y/N got out of bed and quickly made her way to Willy's room. She opened the door and saw the baby lying in his crib with tears falling from his eyes. She walked over to the crib and pulled the baby into her arms.

She checked Willy's diaper and saw that it didn't need to be changed. She swayed him back and forth in an attempt to quiet his cries. She smiled when she felt arms wrap around her waist, and a head lay on her shoulder. She chuckled quietly when Bill hummed into her neck.

"You didn't have to get up, you know. I capable of doing it by myself."
"I know, but I had a part in making William Thomas Hader III here. So, I should share the responsibility of taking care of him when he's sick."

Y/N quietly laughed at Bill again.

"You're literally the only person that calls him by his full name."
"I think it's a great name."
"I never said it wasn't."

Y/N placed her hand on Willy's forehead, checking his temperature. She felt that he was very warm and sighed. Bill tighten his arms around her, waiting for her to speak.

"He feels like he has a fever. Can you get the thermometer?"
"Of course."

Bill kissed her cheek, and he walked over to the dresser and opened a small drawer on the top row pulling out the thermometer. He walked back over to Y/N and Willy, and he turned the thermometer on and placed it on the baby's forehead.

The thermometer beeped, and Bill read what it said. He sighed and looked up at Y/N.

"It says 101.2."
"My poor baby. That's kinda high."
"Do you think we should give him some medicine or no?"
"I think we should because the medicine will help reduced the fever and will help him to not be irritable."

Bill nodded and walked back over to the dresser. He placed the thermometer back in its place and fixed a small dose of Baby Tylenol in a medicine syringe for Willy.

He walked back over to them and placed the end of the syringe in Willy's mouth. He slowly inserted the medicine into his mouth. Willy drunk the medicine without a fuss, and Y/N repositioned him in her arms.

"So let me take a guess and say that little Willy is going to be joining us in bed for the rest of the night."
"You'd be right, Billy."

Bill chuckled quietly and put the medicine back in its drawer. He followed Y/N out the door and immediately wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked back to their bedroom. Bill's girls were at their mother's, and Y/N's boys were at their father's, so the house was completely quite.

They made it bad the their room, and they got into bed. Y/N laid Willy in between her and Bill, and she laid on her side facing him. Willy immediately snuggled himself into Y/N's chest. Bill saw this, and an aggravated but playful look came to his face.

"I give you my name, and you still choose mama to be your favorite."

Y/N laughed quietly at Bill's comment and smiled at him.

"Be quite and get into bed."

Bill playfully mumbled to himself while cutting the bedside lamp off, and he climbed into bed, rolling onto his side to face Y/N. He laid his arm protectively over both of them.

He leaned over and strategically captured Y/N's lips into a kiss. He pulled away and placed a kiss on Willy's head. They drifted to sleep in the quiet of the dark bedroom.

Y/N and Bill had dealt with many sicknesses and colds with their kids, but every time one was sick, they still worried and obsessed about it. They would do whatever it took to make sure that their children were happy and healthy.

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