Through The Mirror

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It was dark, and she was lost. "Where are you?" She called into the darkness. She needed to find... them? Someone? Who was she looking for? Gwen could spot a flash of blue in the distance. "Wait for me!" She called, chasing after it.

Another flash appeared, this time gold. Gwen changed direction and chased after it instead. "Please don't leave!"

A new flash, this one dark pink. The next was a bright purple. Then a black flash that Gwen nearly missed. A scarlet flash flickered at the corner of her eye.

They kept flashing in different places, each one calling her to chase after them. Gwen covered her eyes, falling to her knees. "It's too much! Stop it!" To her relief, everything faded to black once more. Gwen uncovered her eyes and looked around, standing up shakily "Where'd you go?" She asked, wandering through the darkness.

A harsh wind picked up, chilling her to the bone. "Ouy evah deniur em! Hctaw sa I niur ouy!" A harsh voice bellowed. Something even darker than the shadows around began to take form as a giant, winged, beast.

Gwen screamed, turning on her heels to run. But no matter how far or how fast she ran, the beast gained on her.

When she tripped and fell, Gwen burst into tears. "I don't want to die!" She screamed in terror.

Another flash of light, this one not quite white... more silver? This one encompassed her entire vision. "Goodbye, dear one. This is the only way I can save you." The light whispered, softly and gently.

The light faded, and Gwen was again in darkness. But this time she was not alone. A mirror stood before her.

"Ah, my dearly beloved."

The mirror seemed to ignite, green flames flickering within.

"A lovely and noble flower of evil. Truly you are the most beautiful of all."

Gwen approached the mirror, standing before it.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall... Who is the..."

Gwen furrowed her brows. Now, why did that sound so familiar? She gasped as a different image appeared in the mirror.

A carriage, pulled by skeletal horses. The image shifted again showing a coffin inside the carriage. In the distance was the destination, a castle. Gwen wondered what that had to do with anything.

"Those who are guided by the dark mirror... as long as your heart desires it..."

The mirror went blank. Instead of seeing her reflection, the vaguest shadow of a person formed instead. The person held out a hand, and Gwen flinched in surprise as the hand stuck out of the mirror. It was strange but the person in the mirror seemed to flicker constantly, changing size and shape.

Gwen hesitantly reached out her own hand and set it in the other. The other hand squeezed hers in return, as though the other person sensed her fear and wanted to reassure her.

"Take the hand that appears in the mirror."

The person in the mirror lifted Gwen's hand into the mirror. Gwen panicked and tried to yank it back, but the person in the mirror ran their thumb over her hand to comfort her. Gwen blushed as she felt a pair of lips place a kiss on her hand.

"For me. For them. For you"

Gwen watched as green flames appeared once more, this time all around, illuminating the darkness.

"We are all running out of time."

Gwen tried to reclaim her hand but the person in the mirror grabbed it tightly, refusing to relinquish it.

"No matter what..."

The person in the mirror seemed to speak, but it sounded like multiple voices all at once. The flames began to swirl around her, not burning her, but giving her a warm feeling.

"Never let go of my hand."

The green flames blocked out everything, including the mirror. Gwen could still feel the hand in hers, so she grasped it in fear. The hand held on just as tightly to her.

Gwen closed her eyes to block out the bright light, hearing one last thing.

"You have the mind of a dreamer, Gwen. Never forget how powerful that makes you."

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