and i know we weren't perfect but i never felt this way for no one guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me cause you said forever but i drive alone past your street
• Mark sits on his bed, knees brought in towards his chest.
He decides to look at his phone, but his eyes water at the wallpaper.
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He wants to throw his phone across the room. Tears start actively flowing down his cheeks again, despite how much he wants to throw away his feelings for Scott.
He's sad, he's angry, but he misses him.
Scott gets offstage after his first show of tour, beaming with excitement.
His instinct is to go find Mark. Mark used to always come to his first show of tour.
"Hey. You doing alright over here?" Mitch asks.
"Yeah. Can I have a hug from my best friend right now?"
Mitch nods and wraps his arms around him. "I know you miss him, Scotty."
Scott wraps his arms back around Mitch. "You have no idea."
Today is one of those days that Mark can't get out of bed.
He stares at the ceiling. Hates himself for taking a picture of him and Scott up there so it would be the first thing he sees every morning. He wants to rip it to shreds.
But his heart is telling him not to.
So he just lays there, letting his feelings get the best of him.
scottfan3: have y'all noticed @scotthoying hasn't been himself lately?
hoy1ng: i thought i was crazy
scoot1e: is he okay?
Scott frowns at the comments. He didn't think it was that obvious.
ptxscott: he just doesn't seem himself
mitchybaby: i hope our angel is okay :(
"Honey, we're going to get you over him!" Justina says, grabbing Mark's hand. "Come on. You can't just stay in the house."
"I'm not ready yet," Mark says. "Please don't make me go."
"Marky, you've gotta get out of the house," Justina says. "Come on. Let's go."
"Please don't make me," Mark sniffs, a tear falling down his cheek. "Please don't, please don't make me."
Justina softens as she looks at Mark. "He really broke you, huh?"
Mark nods, more tears falling. "Can we stay here? Please?"
Justina nods. "Yeah, honey, of course we can stay."
"The fans want to add One Love to the set list?" Scott asks. "No, not happening."
"Scott, I know you wrote that song for Mark, but look at social media! That's our best selling song ever. They really want it on the set list." Matt says.
"I can't handle that, I can't—" Scott needs to take in a shaky breath, "I can't handle it."
Kirstin frowns. "Scotty, we need to add it to the set list. I know how much you don't want to. But that's the song that we're known for. This is literally the One Love tour. I'm sorry, Scott."
Mark doesn't know why he did this to himself.
He's got his headphones on, and he's listening to One Love. The song that Scott wrote for him.
He laughs bitterly at the lyrics. None of these apply now.
He finishes the song. He's about to put his phone down when it starts over again.
He hates that he still finds comfort in this song. Why does he? It should be bringing him more heartbreak than anything. Why does he still listen to it? He needs to delete it from his phone.
But he listens again.
Kirstin, Matt, Mitch, and Kevin sing the introduction to One Love. Now, it's Scott's turn to come in with the melody.
He doesn't.
Mitch immediately notices that Scott can't, and won't be singing the melody, so he takes over.
Scott listens to the song as tears form in his eyes. He runs offstage.
Mark is finally recovering. He decides he's going for a run today.
He stands up, stretches, puts on his clothes—and then there's a knock on his door.
Mark assumes it's probably his amazon package, so he opens it.
It's Scott.
"No," Mark says. "No, no. We're not doing this," he says. "Get out."
"You don't get to use nicknames on me anymore," Mark says. "You gave those up when you gave up on us, Scott."
"I didn't know what I was saying," Scott says. "I, I was stressed, and I would never let my career get in the way of us," he says. "Tour has been horrible without you there, Mark. I'm so alone. I miss you more than anything."
"I miss you too, but I'm not going through this again, I can't—I can't go through this again," Mark suddenly can't breathe, and he sits down as he starts crying intensely. "Please, just go away."
And Scott almost does. But then he takes one look back at Mark, and instead sits down next to him, wraps his arms around him, and helps calm him down.
2 months later
Kirstin, Matt, Kevin, and Mitch start singing the intro to One Love.
Scott comes in with the melody, with no problem.
He looks offstage, and sees Mark standing there.
Mark blushes and gives a shy smile, waving at his boyfriend.
30 minutes pass, and Scott is finally coming offstage.
"You sounded so good, baby," Mark giggles, leaning in to kiss him.
"Thanks, my love," Scott says. "I'm so glad you're back with us."
"Me too," Mark says.
"I really am sorry," Scott says. "I'm so sorry for—"
"I accept your apology," Mark says. "I accepted it months ago, babe." He says. "I'm just glad that we're together, and this time, for the long run." He looks at the promise ring on his finger.