supportive (scomark)

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"Baby, you got it!" Scott exclaims, smiling from ear to ear.

"I did?" Mark asks, "I got the modeling job?"

Scott nods, showing his phone to Mark.

"Oh my god!" Mark says, "Wow! I'm so excited!"

"I'm officially dating a model," Scott says, smiling. "I'm so lucky." He says.

Mark steps closer to Scott and kisses his jawline. "I'm so lucky to have you," Mark says.

"Why is that?" Scott asks.

"You support me endlessly in everything I do," Mark says. "And that means more to me than you'll ever realize, sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you more," Scott says, taking Mark's hand in his. "You deserve all of my support. You're doing what you love and you got a career out of it! I'm so proud of you," he says.

They make their way to their shared bedroom and change into clothes they can sleep in. Then, they climb into bed and Scott asks if he can announce it on social media.

"Of course, baby," Mark says.

Scott gets a picture of Mark cuddled into him, a blush evident on his cheeks. He posts it to his instagram story, captioning it this handsome man got a modeling contract with @*insert company name here*! everyone give him lots of love, he deserves it after how hard he's worked! @markmanio

When Scott puts his phone on the charger and turns back over towards Mark, Mark places a small kiss on Scott's chest.

Scott chuckles, runs his hand through Mark's hair. "I'm so proud of you, baby. I just can't believe I'm lucky enough to have you." He says.

Mark giggles, and makes eye contact with Scott. "I should be saying that about you."

Mark cuddles in closer to Scott, and smiles when he feels a kiss placed in his hair. He whispers a "goodnight" before he goes to sleep.

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