everyday life (scomark)

181 6 0

went on a run. be back soon :)

Scott smiles at the note, and stretches as he starts to wake up.

It's not even 10 minutes before he hears the front door opening.

"Scotty, you awake?" Mark yells from the front.

"Yeah," Scott yells back.

"Come give me kisses!" Mark yells, and Scott laughs.

Scott gets out of bed, and walks to the kitchen, where he knows Mark is making a banana berry spinach smoothie.

"Hi, baby," Mark turns on the blender for a few seconds, and then turns it off. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," Scott says, leaning in to press a kiss to Mark's lips. "How was your run?"

"Good! I averaged an 8 minute mile."

"Good job, baby!" Scott high fives Mark. "I've been meaning to say this, but your weightlifting has been paying off, too."

Mark smiles. "Thanks, Scotty. Like what you see?" He teases.

"Maybe a little," Scott teases back. "My big strong man."

Mark chuckles. "I love you."

"I love you too," Scott leans in for another kiss.

"Want some smoothie?" Mark asks.

"Maybe if it didn't look like puke," Scott says.

"I promise it's really good," Mark sing songs. "Just a sip?"

Scott shakes his head no with a disgusted look on his face, and Mark laughs. "More for me, then." He says.

"So, I was thinking..."

"What were you thinking?" Mark teases.

Scott rolls his eyes. "Anyways, I was thinking we could go on a really cute date tonight."

Mark looks at Scott fondly. "Really?"

Scott nods. "How does a picnic sound, babe?"

Mark smiles. "Perfect. C'mere," he says, leaning closer to press a few kisses to Scott's lips.

Scott smiles through the kisses, giggling when Mark moves to kiss his cheek.

"You're adorable," Mark says, looking at Scott.

Scott blushes.

"Look at you," Mark swoons, and Scott laughs.

They've finished their picnic. Scott is cuddled up against Mark. He's resting his head on Mark's chest and has a leg thrown over both of Mark's, while a hand rests on Mark's chest as well.

They've both got full bellies and full hearts.

"Baby," Mark says.

"Hm?" Scott hums, opening his eyes.

"Just makin' sure you're still awake down there," Mark says.

"I am," Scott confirms. "Love you, baby."

Mark smiles. "I love you too, Scotty."

Another moment of silence.

"Scotty, will you play for me?" Mark asks, looking at the guitar Scott brought.

"Yeah, of course." Scott sits up, gets his guitar out. "What do you want to hear?"

"Something new," Mark says.

Scott plucks mindlessly at the strings until he figures it out.

"I've been working on this one for a while, and it's for you, baby."

"For me?" Mark asks. "I didn't know you were-"

"I kept it secret," Scott says. "I hope you like it."

Mark blushes, and Scott begins to play.

Mark listens to the song intently, and tears up at the lyrics. It's a ballad, all for him.

Mark is fully crying by the time Scott finishes.

"Please tell me those are happy tears?"

"Happy tears," Mark confirms, "Really happy tears. You wrote that for me?"

"Who else would I write it for?" Scott blushes.

Mark shrugs. "I just can't believe how lucky I am," he says. "That means the world to me, Scotty. Will you play it again?"

"Sure, baby," Scott smiles.

Scott plays it again, and Mark closes his eyes and smiles as he listens. He can't believe how lucky he is to have the best boyfriend who wrote this incredible song for him.

When it ends, Mark leans in and kisses Scott.

Scott giggles into the kiss, breaking it. "You like it, baby?"

"You like it, baby?" Mark mocks, "Of course I like it. I love it, honey. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," Scott says, leaning in for another quick kiss.

Scott puts away his guitar, and they resume cuddling in the same position they were before.

"Love you, Marky."

"Love you too, Scotty."

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