our first christmas (scomark)

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"Hi, baby."

Scott let's out a whine and Mark laughs.

"Baby, we should get up. I made you coffee."

"I'm not even awake enough to think about coffee," Scott mumbles.

"Which is why you need it."

It takes a moment, but Scott stands up, and Mark hands him a mug of coffee.

"Thanks, baby," Scott says, and Mark kisses his forehead.

Mark climbs back into bed, settling for cuddling by Scott's thigh, since Scott is sitting up.

They decide to go out to brunch today, as they don't have milk for cereal, and Scott is looking for his coat when he opens the storage closet.

"Marky? Sweetheart? Can you come here for a second?"

Mark walks over to Scott. "Yeah?"

"Sweetheart, where did you get all of these Christmas decorations?"

Mark blushes, shrugs. "I dunno," he says.

"Did you rob Santa's workshop?"

"I paid for them," Mark says, "I like Christmas, Scotty."

Scott looks at Mark fondly. "I can tell," he chuckles. "Do we even have room for all of these decorations?"

"I have it all planned out," Mark smiles. "So the tree goes by the fireplace, duh, and the garland goes on that ledge there," he points, "and then the tinsel on the railings of the stairs, and, oh, we have to drink hot cocoa while we decorate, and—!"

"I see you have it all figured out," Scott smiles. "Let's go eat first and we'll discuss."

Mark frowns, not completely loving that answer, and then Scott grabs his hand.

"We'll decorate when we're done," Scott promises.

Mark smiles and hugs Scott tightly.

"Scotty, come on! Hang some ornaments!"

Scott looks around the house. He's never been one to decorate for Christmas. But, he has to admit, the place does look a little happier with all of Mark's decorations.

Scott stops looking around when he feels a hand in his. "Baby? Come on."

Scott laughs at Mark's determination and puts an ornament on the tree.

"No, don't put it there," Mark says, "There's a red one right next to it. It'll look dumb. How about right here," Mark moves the ornament.

"Okay, how about this one," Scott says.

"That's too big," Mark says, and Scott laughs.

"I don't think ornaments are going to work for me," Scott says. "How about I hang our stockings?"

"Uhh, they're not here."


"I sent them to get our initials put on them."

Scott wants to be mildly annoyed, but the smile on Mark's face says it all.

"We're really gonna be decked out, aren't we?" Scott asks.

Mark nods, a big smile on his face. "It's my first Christmas with you," he says, "I want it to be special."

"Hey, babe?" Scott says, walking into the house. "I got the stockings—oh." He looks around at Mark's finished product. There are lights over the fireplace, on the tree, and the tinsel, garland, ornaments, and other decorations look amazing.

"Do you like it?" Mark asks, a blush on his cheeks. Scott can't help but notice he's wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, too.

"It looks beautiful, Marky." Scott says.

"Oh! I got you something," Mark says, running into the bedroom. He walks out with a Target bag. "I got us matching sweaters."

Scott laughs, then kisses Mark's forehead before he goes and changes into it.

When he comes back out into the living room, Mark has hot chocolate ready for both of them.

"Look at us," Mark says, "I love this."

Scott takes a mug. "Is this just hot chocolate or is it spicy hot chocolate?"

Mark laughs. "It might have a little something in there."

Scott sips it and hums appreciatively. "That's really good," he says. "Oh, I almost forgot," he puts the hot chocolate down. "Here are the stockings with our initials on them," He hands the bag to Mark, "And, I got one more thing."

He opens the gift bag, and pulls out a white ornament.

Mark takes the ornament and reads the inscription.

scott & mark
our first christmas

He turns the ornament around and finds the year on the other side.

Mark looks back up at Scott. "Baby," he pouts. "This is so sweet. I love it. Thank you."

Scott picks up his mug of hot chocolate with Bailey's and shrugs shyly as he sips it. "I'm glad you like it."

Mark hangs it up front and center on the tree, and turns around to look at Scott, who's now sitting down on the couch.

"Want to get the fire going, babe?" Scott suggests.

"Look who's being festive," Mark smiles.

"It'll be romantic," Scott says.

Mark sets up the fire, and sits next to Scott. Scott takes Mark into his arms, and they're both content.

"I love you," Mark says, sipping his hot chocolate.

Scott smiles. "I love you too, sweetheart."

Michael Buble's Christmas album plays softly in the background, and soon the mugs are discarded. They'd rather just feel close and warm, anyway.

"I see why you like Christmas," Scott gives in.

"Yeah?" Mark grins.

"Merry Christmas, baby."

"Merry Christmas, Scotty."

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