Scott's in the front row of the bleachers. He smiles when he sees his boyfriend up to bat. The game is tied and they are waiting on either team to get a point, and then it's over. The bases are loaded, but there's two outs. If Mark strikes out, he essentially gives up the game.
He can't help but notice how good Mark looks in his uniform. But then the ball is being pitched and that thought is pushed to the back of his mind.
Mark is disappointed. Scott can tell based solely on his body language.
Scott knows he can do this. Mark's the star of the team.
And it's hit far. Mark starts to run and as he makes it to first the person on third makes it home. Mark makes it to second and another makes it home.
"Run, Marky! Go, baby!" Scott says, not sure if he can hear him over all of the cheering. Mark makes it to third, and another one home. Mark runs to home, and the ball is still being tossed back to the pitcher. He's hit a home run, and added four points to the score.
Scott waits patiently for Mark to leave the dugout. As soon as he does, though, he's greeted by a tight hug and a "Good job, baby!"
Mark chuckles. "Thank you, sweetheart," he says, "Thanks for being my personal cheerleader."
"Always," Scott giggles, and smiles when he feels a kiss placed on his cheek and his temple. He quickly gives Mark a real kiss before he speaks. "Let's go to your place, okay?"
They get to Mark's house, and Scott isn't surprised when Mark just wants to cuddle. He had a long game today and is probably exhausted.
So they cuddle on Mark's bed, and they kiss for a little bit, but then Mark is quick to fall asleep. Scott doesn't fall asleep, but relaxes, thinking about how proud of Mark he is.

scomark oneshots
Fanfictionscomark oneshots. there are a few meau sprinkled in here, and some scomiche at the beginning!