ice skating (scomark)

127 9 3

for Lawsoldier

"Marky, I don't even know how to ice skate," Scott picks at his fingers nervously.

"Come on, it'll be fun! I'll teach you," Mark says.

Scott doesn't change his expression, just looks at Mark nervously.

"Please?" Mark asks. "Would I ever hurt you?"

Scott exhales. "No..."

Mark smiles. "Come on, it's really fun," he says. "I won't let you fall."

Scott finally gives in. "Okay, let's go."

"Yay!" Mark claps his hands and gives Scott a quick kiss. "I'm so excited. Come on, baby!" He grabs Scott's hand.

They rent their ice skates, and Mark ties Scott's for him. They walk to the ice, and Mark slides on with ease.

"Marky, I don't know..."

"Come on, angel," Mark coos, "I've got you."

Scott slowly steps onto the ice, holding Mark's hand. Mark grabs both of Scott's hands, and skates backwards so that Scott is going forwards.

"Look at you go, baby!" Mark says.

Scott gives Mark a small smile, and Mark skates them over to the wall.

"Okay, I'm gonna let go of you, alright? But the wall is right here for you to hold on to."

Scott pouts. "Don't let go of me," he says.

"I'm teaching you how to skate on your own, baby," Mark skates about 6 feet away from Scott. "Okay, put one foot in front of the other."

Scott works slowly, hand still on the wall.

"Yeah, there you go, sweetheart!" Mark smiles. "Now, take your hand off the wall,"

Scott does, but as soon as he loses the extra support, he loses his balance. Mark is quick on his feet, shifting Scott upright before he can fall.

"I told you I wouldn't let you fall," Mark smiles.

"That was scary," Scott says.

"I know, my love," Mark kisses Scott's cheek. "How about you grab back onto the wall?"

Scott grabs back onto the wall, and Mark skates away again.

"Okay, baby, one foot in front of the other," Mark says.

Scott skates like he was before, and when he makes it to Mark, Mark rewards him with a kiss.

"Ready to let go of the wall yet?" Mark asks.

"No way."

Mark laughs, and grabs Scott's hand. "What if I hold your hand?"

Scott blushes. "Okay," he let's go of the wall. "Woah," he says, as balance shifts.

"I've got you, I'm right here, baby," Mark says. "You're doing so good, sweetheart!"

Scott blushes at the nicknames that Mark has chosen, as they skate around the rink together. After about 10 minutes, Scott is having a great time.

"This is so fun!"

Mark smiles. "What did I tell you?"

"I know, I know. You told me so." Scott sticks his tongue out at Mark.

"I think instead of telling you I told you so... a kiss will suffice." Mark says. "Get over here."

Scott leans over and kisses Mark dramatically, causing Mark's giggles to break the kiss.

"You're so stupid," Mark says. "I love you."

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