Scott hears Owen crying and gets up immediately, not wanting Mark to have to worry about it.
"Hey, little guy," Scott coos, shuttling the door to the nursery and lifting Owen out of his crib, "Hey, sweet boy, did you have a bad dream?" He checks his diaper. "You're all clean down there," he mumbles, "Just uncomfortable, maybe?" He gently starts to rock him.
Owen's crying slows down a bit.
Scott starts singing some Disney song he heard works great as a lullaby, and now Owen has stopped crying completely, just staring at Scott instead.
"Go to sleep, Owen. It's okay."
Owen starts to whimper again.
"No, shh, shh, don't wake your papa up, okay? He needs to rest, sweet boy."
"Too late," Mark mumbles, standing in the doorway. "Heard him the first time. Then heard you singing and wanted to come see it for myself."
"Oh, I've got it, sweetheart, you can go to sleep," Scott offers, leaning over to kiss Mark's forehead.
"I like hearing you sing to him too much," Mark says, "It's so sweet. Sing to him some more."
Scott continues the song that he was singing before, and it calms Owen down again. Owen really does love Scott's singing voice. Mark thinks it's because Scott would always sing to his belly when he was pregnant.
"See? He loves it," Mark says, "We have that much in common." Mark takes Owen into his own arms. "Baby boy, you're so beautiful, just like your daddy."
Scott smiles and kisses Mark's temple as he rocks their son. "There you go, sweet boy," Mark whispers, "Go to sleep."
Owen falls asleep moments later, and Mark gently sets him back in his crib.
"Come on, baby, let's get back to bed," he says.
Scott nods and follows Mark. They climb back into bed, and Scott takes Mark into his arms, kissing his hair, forehead, and nose.
"Scotty," Mark giggles, "Stop it, I wanna go to sleep."
"Just need to give you some of my love, is all," Scott says, placing a final kiss on his temple. "I love you. Goodnight."
"I love you too, Scotty."
scomark oneshots
Fanfictionscomark oneshots. there are a few meau sprinkled in here, and some scomiche at the beginning!