disaster pt 1 (scomark)

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Mark's eyes flutter open.

What is this place? It's bright.

He looks down. I'm in a bed?

He feels a gentle squeeze on his hand. He looks over to the source of the squeeze.

It's a guy with dirty blonde hair, and some scruff on his face. He's got blue eyes, and there are tears leaking out of them. "Marky," he smiles. His teeth are perfect. "We almost lost you."

He's cute. Like, really cute. "Where am I?"

"The hospital, baby. You got into a pretty bad wreck." The blonde sighs. "Oh. The doctor told me to ask you this. Do you know what day it is?"

Mark thinks. "My head hurts."

"Don't think too much, sweetheart." The blonde kisses Mark's hand, "It's December 18th."

"Can I ask you something?" Mark asks.

"Anything." The blond smiles.

"Who are you?"


"Kirst, he doesn't know who I am." Scott says, more tears slipping down his face. He's got Kirstin on the bluetooth speaker in his car.

"Scott, I'm sure it's a temporary thing. Remember that he almost died, Scott. At least he's alive." Kirstin sighs. "But...about his memory. What did the doctors say?"

"They're testing him to see what the cause of it may be." Scott says, "He didn't even recognize me. What am I gonna do if it's a permanent thing? I was going to propose to him for Christmas."

"A Christmas proposal?!" Kirstin squeals. "That's so cute!"

"It's not happening if he doesn't know who I am! Let's focus here!"

"I don't know. Have you contacted his parents?"

"It's going to take them days to get the news. Remember? They're in India with no access to social media or phones."

"That's right," Kirstin says. "All you can do is make him feel the most comfortable you can."


"Mr. Hoying?"

"That's me," Scott says, standing up, and walking to the front desk.

"Mr. Manio is ready to go home. His test results regarding his memory will be here in 2 weeks." She gives Scott a packet. "He's in his room ready to depart."

Scott goes to Mark's room. "Mark? I'm taking you home. It may not be the most comfortable for you, but it's your only real option."

Mark stills. "Okay," he stands up, "Let's go."


"This is our home?" Mark asks, in awe. "This is huge!"

Scott bites his lip as he leans against the wall. Seeing Mark so in awe makes his heart swell.

"How do we afford this place?"

"Well," Scott walks towards Mark, "I'm in an acapella group called Pentatonix."

"Oh! I think I've heard you guys before. You did that....what was it called?" Mark thinks for a moment. "Evolution of music!"

"That was us," Scott smiles, "We've even won Grammy's and everything, so money hasn't really been a problem."

"Wow," Mark says, and then his face falls.

"What's the matter?" Scott asks. "Wanna sit down?"

Mark nods, sitting down on their couch. "I just can't imagine how hard this must be for you."

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