sugar daddy (scomark)

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Scott enters the apartment, looking around in awe at everything. This is where he and Mark will be staying?

He walks to a window. It's no wall on this part, just one big window. He watches the city move about, sitting on the couch that's facing the window.

He never expected to live this lifestyle. He met Mark through a mutual friend. Scott hadn't expressed any interest in this kind of life, but once he got to know Mark better, it was either this, or work 3 jobs.

He didn't mind having amazing sex every now and again in exchange for money, gifts, and living rich.

The only issue is that this is a no feelings attached deal. And that wasn't a problem, for the first few months.

But, over the last few months, he's fallen head over heels in love with Mark. He needs to admit to it, even though it'll mean putting the relationship at a halt.

He doesn't even hear Mark enter, just feels a body sit next to him, and kiss his temple.

"Hi, angel."

Scott leans over onto Mark, and Mark wraps an arm around him.

"How was the flight?" Mark asks.

"Was good," Scott says. "I'll never complain about first class, Sir."

"You're cute," Mark says, and Scott blushes. "Your cute little southern accent always does it for me."

Scott giggles quietly and Mark tightens his arms around him.

"Missed you the last few days," Scott says.

"I missed you too," Mark says. "You like the view?" He asks.

"Love it," is Scott's reply. "I could just look out this window all day."

"I knew you'd like it," Mark says, "I picked it just for you."

"You didn't have to do that, Sir." Scott frowns.

"I never have to," Mark says, "I want to, baby."

As Scott feels Mark kissing at his neck, he thinks about the conversation he needs to have with Mark. If this relationship goes much further, he'll admit he's in love with him at an inconvenient time.

"Sir? Can we talk?" Scott asks.

Mark keeps kissing Scott's neck. "I missed you, angel. Can we talk later?" He asks.

Mark bites Scott's sensitive spot and Scott lets out a quiet moan.

"I'll take that as a yes," Mark chuckles, shifting their positions so Scott is laying down and Mark is on top of him.

Mark collapses next to Scott, kissing his shoulder, neck, cheek, and temple, before settling for Scott's lips.

"Mmm," Mark hums, "Thank you for being so good, baby."

"Love being good for you," Scott says, leaning in to kiss Mark again.

Scott wants to bring it up. But the thought of cuddling with Mark is too good to resist. With Mark wrapping his arms around him, he falls asleep before he can really think about it.

I'm in meetings until 4 today. I've paid off your black card, so go have fun in the city today! I'll see you back at the apartment.

Scott smiles at the note, tossing it in the trash when he's done reading it. He doesn't want to spend Mark's money when today will be the last day of their relationship, though.

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