video shoot (scomark)

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i wanted to write something but i don't know what. leave me scomark requests!

Mark smiles when he sees Scott's caller ID, answering the call. "Hi, baby! How's the video shoot?"

"Good," Scott says. "Miss you."

"How much longer do you have?"

"Few more hours," Scott says. "Will you stay up for me?"

Mark smiles. Scott is so cute. "Yeah, baby, I'll stay up for you."

"Yay! I should be home around 1am."

"Okay," Mark says. "Can you send me a picture? Or is that not allowed?"

"It's not allowed, but...I'll send one anyway," Scott giggles.

Mark feels his phone vibrate and puts Scott on speaker as he looks at the picture. "Oh, Scotty. You look so handsome."

"Thanks, baby." Scott says. "I have to go! It's my turn for my personal shot. I love you."

"I love you too, angel," Mark says, before the line goes dead.

Mark looks at the picture Scott sent. "So cute," he mumbles to himself.

It's 1:15 when Scott walks in through the front door. "Hi, Marky," he says. "You waited on me."

"I said I would," Mark smiles. Scott blushes and Mark chuckles. "You're so cute."

"What'cha making?" Scott asks.

"Baked chicken with roasted potatoes and veggies for my pop star," Mark smiles. "Here, baby." He hands him a plate and a fork. "One for you and one for me."

"This looks so good, Marky." Scott says. He cuts a bite of the chicken. "This is so good. Thank you, baby."

Mark smiles. "Anything for you, sweetheart."

Mark gets a notification on his phone and Scott notices something.

"Baby, is that the picture I sent you earlier as your wallpaper?"

"Maybe. You're so cute!"

"Babyyyyy," Scott puts his face in his hands. "You're making me all blushy."

"That's when I love you the most," Mark says. "Let me see your cute face!"

Scott removes his hands and he is indeed blushing, with an adorable pout on his face. Mark just smiles and kisses both of Scott's cheeks, causing Scott to blush more.

"Such a sweetheart," Mark mumbles. "So cute."

"We can't get through one dinner without you calling me cute," Scott pouts.

"Mhm," Mark leans in, pressing his lips to Scott's. "I can't help it."

Scott giggles at that, and they go back to eating.

When they finish, Scott tries to offer to wash the dishes.

"No, honey, you were at your video shoot all night. It's nearly 2am. I got it." Mark kisses Scott's temple, then washes the dishes.

They head to their bedroom, where Scott is already waiting in bed, as he has been since Mark was washing the dishes.

"Come cuddle," he whines, and Mark happily climbs into bed beside Scott.

"I'm right here, angel," Mark says, and Scott rests his head on Mark's chest. "Sweet dreams, baby. I love you."

"I love you too," Scott says, and then they both drift to sleep.

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