for Rose-Raven
Mark walks into the living room and pouts when he sees that Scott fell asleep studying for his final.
"Angel?" He asks, gently shaking him. "Baby," he tries again.
Scott shoots up in an instant. "Huh?"
Mark chuckles. "It's alright, Scotty, you just fell asleep."
Scott sighs. "What time is it?"
Mark looks at his watch. "A bit past 10pm," he says.
Scott stands up, stretching his arms above his head to relieve some tension. "I've got a paper due at midnight," he says.
"Another one?" Mark asks. "You have so much on your plate, angel."
Scott sits back down at his chair, opening a google doc on his computer. "It's finals week," he says.
"I know, but, I guess I just wish you could relax a bit." Mark says. "I'm going to make you some tea." He kisses Scott's hair.
"Thank you, sweetheart," Scott says.
Mark comes back with tea a few moments later, only to see Scott's face buried in his hands.
"It's okay, my love," Mark gently rubs his back, then sits next to him, "Here, I have your tea."
"Thank you," Scott mouths, no sound coming out.
"Do you want me to help you?" Mark asks. "I can help with research?"
Scott shakes his head no. "You completed your finals," he says, "It's time for me to do mine."
"Want me to sit near you for emotional support?" Mark asks.
"That would be perfect," Scott says. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Mark smiles.
About an hour passes and Scott finished his essay.
"I have to study—"
"No way, mister. Get up an hour early and study if you have to, but your brain can't handle any more new knowledge today. You have one test left, and then you're done for the semester." Mark says.
Scott sighs, defeated. "Okay."
"Come on, we're gonna go cuddle, and that'll help you de-stress some."
Scott smiles at the mention of cuddling, and that makes Mark giggle and lean in to kiss his cheek before grabbing his hand. "Let's go, my love."
Once they settle in bed, Scott rests his head on Mark's chest, and Mark wraps his arms around Scott.
"Did you need a good cuddle?" Mark chuckles.
"Mhm," Scott hums. "This is perfect, baby."
Mark plays with Scott's hair and talks about everything and nothing, before he hears soft snores coming from the boy sleeping on him.
"You're so cute," Mark mumbles. "I love you, Scotty."
The next morning, Mark wakes up, and Scott is off taking his final.
marky: good luck, baby! you've got this! :)
scotty: just finished! i got a b+, which is enough to maintain my gpa!
marky: yay, i'm so proud of you, angel!
Scott comes back to the apartment about 15 minutes later with breakfast.
"You did so good, baby!" Mark says, leaning in to kiss Scott quickly.
"I'm just glad it's over," Scott says. "I was so stressed."
"I know," Mark frowns, "I never want to see you like that, it breaks my heart."
"Well it's a good thing we have 6 weeks off," Scott grins. "Let's eat, and then we can cuddle all day. Or, go for a walk. I don't care, I'm done with finals."
Mark giggles. "You're so cute, baby."
Scott blushes. "I'm just excited."
"I know, and I couldn't be more proud of you, Scotty."

scomark oneshots
Fanfictionscomark oneshots. there are a few meau sprinkled in here, and some scomiche at the beginning!