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"Baby?" Scott asks, wrapping his arm around Mark's waist. "What'cha thinking about out here?"

Mark jumps, startled. "Oh!" He squeaks. "Sorry, baby. You scared me."

Scott adjusts so that both of his arms are around Mark now. "Sorry, sweetheart," he chuckles, kissing Mark's shoulder. "It's early. Come back to bed," he rests his forehead on Mark's shoulder.

"I was just enjoying the sunrise," Mark smiles. "I know you're sleepy, Scotty, but look!"

Scott tilts his head so his chin is resting on Mark's shoulder. "Oh," he says. "Wow."

Mark giggles, placing his hands over top Scott's, that are still around his waist. "I just think it's really pretty."

"I think you're really pretty," Scott says, kissing Mark's cheek.

Mark giggles again. Whenever Scott is sleepy he's always complimenting Mark, holding him close, and giving him kisses wherever he can reach. Mark thinks it's the sweetest thing.

"I love you," Mark says.

This time, Scott kisses Mark's cheek and his shoulder. "I love you too."

They watch the sunrise for a few more minutes before Scott speaks.

"Baby? As beautiful as this is, can we go back to bed? I want to hold you close."

Mark smiles when he feels Scott's arms tighten around him. "Am I not close enough?" He teases.

"Mm-mm." Scott says.

Mark giggles again. "Sure, sweetheart. Let's go back to bed."

When they're back in bed, Scott pulls Mark close, and they both relax.

"There," Scott says. "Finally close enough."

Mark smiles, kissing Scott's chest. "You sure do love to hold me, baby."

"It's my favorite thing," Scott mumbles. "Sorry, 'm sleepy."

"Love it when you hold me," Mark says, cuddling impossibly closer. "Love being close to you, being protected and loved by you." Another kiss to Scott's chest.

"I love you," Scott says.

"I love you too."

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