again (scomark)

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as requested by Rose-Raven

"You're going on tour again?" Mark asks. " just got back."

Scott's excited smile fades. "I know," he says, "This is my dream, sweetheart."

"Forget I said anything," Mark says. "You're right. That was insensitive of me."

"Honey?" Scott asks, as Mark walks away. He didn't expect this reaction from Mark when he told him about the upcoming tour. Yes, he's been touring a lot lately, but he loves it. He gets to see his fans from all over the world and perform every day.

"Marky, can you get the big pack of honey nut cheerios from Costco?" Scott asks.

"If I get you the big pack, you won't get through it, and it'll go bad by the time you get back," Mark says. "I'll get you one box."

"Marky? Are you still mad?" Scott asks, grabbing Mark's hand before he can leave the house.

Mark just removes his hand from Scott's before walking out the front door. "I'll be back."

"He's going on tour again," Mark says.

"Didn't he just get back?" Mark's best friend, Amber, says. "Don't you miss him?"

"Of course I miss him," Mark stirs his coffee, "But I'm kind of mad that he's just going right back in three weeks."

"I would be too," Amber sips her drink. "That's not fair to you."

"I don't know whether to be happy he's here and spend time with him, or to be mad he's going." Mark says. "Did he even think of me when he made the decision?"

Amber shrugs. "Maybe you should talk to him about it."

Scott walks into the bedroom and sees Mark on his phone, wearing his glasses.

"You look cute," Scott says.

Mark stays quiet.

Scott nods to himself. Mark still isn't happy with him right now. He climbs into bed next to Mark, kisses his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"You didn't sound sorry when you told me."

Scott doesn't know what to say to that.

"You're a workaholic, Scott." Mark says. "It's as easy as that. Work comes first, I come second." His voice cracks at the end, and he doesn't want Scott to see him cry. He decides he'll be sleeping on the couch tonight. "Goodnight, Scott."

Scott sleeps alone on the bed that night. He doesn't know what he can do that will fix this, but all he knows is he wants it fixed.

"Mark is really upset," Scott says.

"He is?" Mitch asks. "He's normally so supportive."

"I think it's because of the quick turnaround," Scott says. "He's missing me when we're gone."

"Poor guy," Mitch pouts, "He normally only makes it for a week or so, too."

Scott nods. "He hasn't even asked me when the dates are to pick the best week for him."

Mitch pauses. "Why make it just one?"

Mark is looking through his phone at pictures of them.

Scott enters the house. "Hi, angel, can we talk?" He asks.

"Last time you said that it didn't go well," Mark says. "You better watch yourself."

"Marky, I promise—"

"Scott, I don't know if I'm ready to have this conversation," Mark says, "Or any conversation, right now." He grabs his keys. "I'm going for a drive. I'll be home later...or I might sleep at Amber's."

"Be safe," is all that Scott can get out before Mark leaves. What the hell? Not ready for any conversation?

Does Mark want to break up with him?

Mark arrives at Amber's, teary eyed.

"Hun, what happened?"

"When I left, he didn't even try to stop me," Mark cries. "He just said 'be safe,' after he tried to have another talk with me."

"Be safe? What the fuck?"

"I know!"

"Well, I'm here, and I have wine and Ice Cream. You don't need that loser anyway."

Mark sighs. "You're right, I can be me without him."

Mark comes home the next day, and Scott is waiting for him at the front door.

"Sit down, please?"

Mark wants to ignore him. Wants to walk right past him, and be angry.

But then he looks at Scott, and sees the fondness in his eyes.

He also sees his tear stained cheeks, messy hair, and circles under his eyes.

"Okay," Mark says.

They both sit down on the couch, and Scott takes Mark's hands in his.

"I'm really sorry that I made you upset by going on tour again," Scott says, "But please stay with me," his voice cracks, and his eyes water. "I love you, and I know that you feel like you come second, but hear me out."

"Wait, wait, wait," Mark says. "Stay with you? Like I was going to break up with you?"

Scott nods.

"I thought you were choosing work over me," Mark says. "I thought you were going to break up with me."

Scott shakes his head no, relieved.

"Then what did you want to talk about, baby?" Mark asks, softening up.

Scott runs his thumb along Mark's knuckles. "I wanted to invite you on tour with me," he says. "Not just for a week, the whole thing."

Mark's eyes widen. "All of tour?"

Scott nods. "I looked at finances and we could make it work and still be comfortable," He says. "I miss you so much when I'm on tour already, please, come with me?"

Mark looks down for just a second. Then he looks up, and smiles at Scott. "Of course I'll go on tour with you, sweetheart," he says.

"You will?"

Mark giggles.

"Oh my god," Scott says, "Oh my god, I'm so happy!"

Mark puts his hands on Scott's cheeks and kisses him. "I don't have to miss you anymore,"
he smiles.

Scott shakes his head. "No, we don't have to miss each other, do we?"

Mark smiles, shaking his head. He leans in for a few more kisses, having missed the way Scott's lips felt on his. "I know I haven't said this a lot the past few days," Mark says, "But, I love you."

Scott smiles wide. "I love you too, babe," he says. "I'd never put you second."

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