marky: good morning babe, what kind of soup do you want today?
scotty: good morning
scotty: i'm so sick of soup
scotty: can you get some of that lemon chicken soup from that greek place we go tomarky: ofc baby
marky: i know ur sick of soup but it's the only thing u can eat when u have the flu :-(scotty: i know
scotty: how is ur shoot going?marky: good! i snuck a pic of one of my shots. wanna see?
marky: btw. super illegal so don't sharescotty: god yes. won't share
marky: *image attatched* :)
scotty: you look so good, baby!!
marky: thanks, scotty💓
scotty: i wish i wasn't sick. i could watch ur shoot today
marky: i wish u weren't sick so that i wasn't sleeping in the guest room :-(
marky: i miss cuddling with uscotty: same. i just wanna hold u but if i get u sick then that adds another week to this torture
marky: miss u
marky: i'll be home in a few hours with your soupscotty: thank you. i love you
marky: gay
marky: i love you too babyscotty: gonna take a nap. see u when u get home
marky: ❤️

scomark oneshots
Fanfictionscomark oneshots. there are a few meau sprinkled in here, and some scomiche at the beginning!