smile (scomark)

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Mark absolutely does not want to be here.

He doesn't like parties, and he doesn't like dancing, and he sure as hell doesn't like the amount of people in the same house as him right now.

"Are you alright?" A man asks.

Mark turns to look at the source of the voice. "I just really don't want to be here," he says, "My best friend dragged me."

"Mine too," the man says, "Everyone's so drunk they don't even really know what's going on anymore."

Mark chuckles. "Exactly."

"Well, what's your name?" The man asks.

Mark looks at the man. He's attractive, built, and seems sincere in whatever he's getting at, here.


The man smiles. "I'm Scott."

"I had a really great time tonight, Scott," Mark says, after their fourth date. "I always do. I really like where this is going."

Scott grabs Mark's hand as he walks him to Mark's apartment. "Me too, Mark."

They arrive at Mark's apartment door, but neither are ready for Mark to go in yet.

"I know we're just standing in the middle of some hallway in your apartment complex," Scott says, "And this is a weird time to say it, but you're absolutely stunning."

And then he smiles. And Mark is discovering that when Scott smiles, he nearly goes weak in the knees, every time.

Instead of thanking him, Mark pulls Scott close, and kisses him.

"Come in," Mark says, after they pull apart.

They both sit on Mark's couch, and Scott looks at Mark so fondly, and then speaks.

"Can we kiss more, please?" He asks, quietly.

Mark giggles at that, and sees the blush grow on Scott's cheeks.

"Yeah, we can kiss more," Mark says, closing the gap between them.

"Mornin', baby," Mark says.

Scott smiles sleepily. "Mornin',"

Mark smiles back, traces Scott's cheek with his thumb.

"What'cha doin', Marky?" Scott asks.

"I love your smile."

"Are you okay, baby?" Mark asks.

Scott sighs. "Yeah. I'm just a bit stressed, love."

"What can I do to help?"

Scott thinks for a moment. "Just stay close?" He asks. "I always feel better when you're around."

"Yeah, of course I can do that, babe," Mark kisses Scott's hair. "Want a snack or anything?"

"I'll eat after I finish my project. Thank you, though."

Mark stays by Scott's side as he works on his laptop. He makes him some tea, and he's there to rub his back and kiss his shoulder when he gets frustrated with himself and just holds his head in his hands.

About 2 hours later, he finishes his project, and submits it.

Mark goes and makes each of them a sandwich, with some chips and fruit as a side.

"Thank you, my love," Scott kisses Mark's temple.

"Anytime, baby," Mark says. "I'll always be here to help you and support you."

Scott smiles at that. "I love you."

Mark might still be gushing over Scott's smile. "I love you too."

"The pictures are in!" Mark says, and Scott rushes in the room. "Someone's excited, aren't they?" Mark teases.

"It's not every day my baby becomes a model," Scott says. "I'm sorry. I'm excited."

Mark giggles at the giddy smile on Scott's face, and then opens his laptop.

Mark's face drops at the pictures. "These?" He asks. "They...they, they picked these?"

Scott looks over at Mark, with concern. "Is something wrong, babe?"

"I just...I look 15 pounds heavier in these than I actually am," Mark says. "And the angles...I hate them. I know I should feel fortunate, but I hate them,"

"Baby, you look beautiful," Scott says, wrapping an arm around Mark. "Look at this one," he points to a photo.

"You look like a total badass," he says, "And it looks so hot on you

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"You look like a total badass," he says, "And it looks so hot on you."

Mark leans his head on Scott's shoulder. "You have to say that. You're my boyfriend."

"Hey, Marky, look at me?" Scott asks, and Mark sits up, turning his head to look at Scott.

"You are absolutely gorgeous in these pictures, baby. Is there a reason you're so body conscious?" Scott asks.

Mark shrugs. "I've never liked the way I look, I guess," He says.

"You do realize you're a model, right?" Scott teases. He sees Mark's reaction and changes to a more serious tone. "Okay, baby. Well, you're stunningly beautiful in these photos, even if you don't see it." He smiles.

And it's when Scott smiles, that Mark believes him.

"Can you do the thing?"

Scott furrows his eyebrows. "What?"

"The thing."

Scott shrugs. "What are you talking about?"

Mark huffs and puts his thumbs on the corners of Scott's mouth, tilting them upwards. This causes Scott to smile naturally, laughing as he realizes what Mark did.

"There," Mark says. "That's more like it."

"You're so cute," Scott says.

"I love your smile," Mark says. "I love your smile, like, a lot."

Scott brings Mark close. "I love you, like, a lot."

Mark giggles at that. "I love you too."

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