him (scomark)

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marky: baby?
marky: can you come over?
marky: i feel likr imgonna hve apanic attck

scotty: oh my god angel
scotty: i'll be there soon. hang in there, sweetheart

It isn't even 15 minutes before Scott makes it to Mark's dorm. Mark is crying and shaking intensely and Scott wraps his arms around him immediately.

Mark cuddles into Scott and in about 10 minutes, stops crying.

It's silent for a bit, while Mark collects himself. Scott just kisses his temple and waits. These are rare but Scott has seen Mark have a few of them.

"Thank you," Mark says, "For being here."

"I'd drop everything for you," Scott says, "I can't stand to see you like this. Anything I can do to fix it, I will."

"Just you holding me is fix enough," Mark says.

"What caused this, angel?" Scott asks, "That was really intense and it really scared me."

Mark shakes his head. "I saw Anthony," he says, "Just walking across campus, and I know I've seen him since I ended things, but you've been with me those times, and all of those memories just came back, and I was scared, Scotty. I was so scared..." His voice breaks and tears start to roll down his cheeks again.

"Hey, it's okay," Scott rubs Mark's back, "I know that's scary. Seeing your abusive ex. Only a few weeks until we graduate and move to LA, though, and you'll never have to see him again."

Mark nods, cuddling into Scott once again. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Scott says, kissing Mark's hair, "I'm sorry this happened."

"Not your fault," Mark says.

"I just wish that none of that ever happened to you in the first place."

Mark shakes his head. "That brought me to you, though. I wouldn't trade you for anything."

"Oh, baby," Scott bites his lip, trying to hold back the tears, "Look at me."

Mark makes eye contact with Scott.

"I'm a strong believer in soulmates, and I know for a fact that you're mine. If that's true, then I know we could have met in much better circumstances if you and Anthony were never together," he says, "Sometimes my facebook memories will pop up and I'll see a group photo that we're both in, or something, and you're so skinny," tears roll down Scott's cheeks, "You're like a twig. So unhealthy and I scold myself for not seeing that before I did. Back when you weren't eating every day." Scott's voice breaks, "And I love you with every pulse of my being, Marky. I really do. I just hate that Anthony happened to you."

Mark wipes away Scott's tears with his thumbs. "Scotty, you saved me from him," he says, "I love you."

"I love you too." Scott says, kissing Mark once. "Want me to stay the night?"

"Please," Mark says, cuddling into Scott.

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