ours (scomark)

439 17 2

just scott being sweet to a very pregnant mark :-)

Mark hears Scott come in and gets out of bed to greet him at the door. His waddle is real today, but he doesn't mind.

"Hey, Scotty," he says.

Scott stops putting the groceries away, rummaging in all of the bags for something particular. "Hey, sweetheart," he smiles. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept great, that pregnancy pillow you got me works wonders," Mark says, "I can't believe it's just 2 more weeks until we meet our baby boy," he says, looking down at his belly.

"I know," Scott says, "I'm excited. I can't wait to meet him. If he's anything like his papa, he'll be perfect."

Mark feels tears in his eyes. "Babe," He chokes up.

Scott finds what he was looking for, sliding Mark the bag of hot cheetos and the container of greek yogurt on the counter. "I'm sorry your hormones are all over the place," he says, going to pull out one of the barstools for Mark, "It must be emotionally exhausting."

"It is," Mark wipes away his few tears that had fallen. He opens the bag of cheetos and starts dipping them in the yogurt. "Thanks, baby," he thanks him.

Scott finishes putting the groceries away and stands behind Mark. "Sweetheart, can I rub your shoulders, or do you not feel like it today?"

"Ooh, a shoulder rub sounds so nice," Mark says, "Yes, please."

Scott starts gently rubbing Mark's shoulders and he feels the tension disappear. This continues for a few minutes until he senses Mark's discomfort, and he stops, opting to sit next to him instead.

"Need anything else in particular today?" Scott asks.

"No, you made my day with the cheetos," Mark chuckles, and points to the half finished bag that's now halfway across the counter. "You've really been anything I could ever hope for in a husband throughout this whole thing, you know. I know sometimes I get mad but that's the hormones talking. You've been perfect, Scotty."

Scott gets up to put away the cheetos and the yogurt, "I just want to make this easier for you," he says, "And whenever I see you relieved in the slightest, or even see you smile, I know it's all worth it. Pregnancy is a bitch. I've seen my sister go through it." He sits down next to Mark again, with a telltale look on his face.

"You wanna talk to him, don't you?" Mark asks.

Scott nods eagerly, and Mark laughs.

"Go ahead, babe."

Scott kneels, and lifts Mark's shirt. He runs his hand along Mark's belly and smiles when he feels a small movement. "Hey, baby boy," he says, "We can't wait to meet you. We finished up your room last week, and, well, we hope you end up liking Toy Story, to say the least." Mark chuckles, and Scott continues. "Me and your papa love you a whole lot, buddy. As much as we love each other, combined. That's a lot of love, if you ask me. And I told your papa today, if you end up anything like him, you're gonna be perfect in my eyes. We only have a few more things to do before you come home with us."

Mark feels tears in his eyes again as he looks at Scott talk to his belly. This man is going to make the best father, and nobody can convince him otherwise.

Scott hears Mark cry and grabs his hand. "You're putting your papa through a lot right now, so when you come out, you need to treat him well, ok?" He fake scolds, and Mark laughs. "We love you so much, baby boy."

Scott sits back up on the barstool and looks at Mark. "Do you wanna hang here for a bit, or head back to bed? I know you're exhausted."

Mark ponders. "I kind of want to head back to bed," he decides.

Scott walks him back to bed, despite Mark's arguments that he can walk himself to bed, responding with, "I want to make sure that my baby and our baby are safe."

"Okay, you won me over with that one," Mark says.

"It's all I want," Scott smiles, "I'll grab you a water bottle and let you relax."

When Scott walks back to the room, Mark is already asleep. He smiles at his husband and can't help but wonder how he got this lucky.

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