pokemon go (scomark)

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this one's for Lawsoldier !

i know nothing about pokémon i'm sorry

"Marky?" Scott turns the lamp on.

"What? Scotty, can this wait till morning?" Mark whines, "I'm sleepy."

Scott contemplates. "Well, Marky, we leave Brazil tomorrow..."


"And...there's special South American Pokémon that we haven't even had the chance to catch yet."

Mark turns over so he can see Scott. "You're right," he says, "But what are we gonna do? It's already 2 in the morning."

"We could call Austin," Scott says. "I'll pay him extra."

Mark bites his lip. "Okay, let's do it."

Scott smiles and giggles quietly as he grabs his phone and sends a text to Austin.

hey are you awake

yeah what's up

can you take mark and i on a quick drive


there's...there's pokémon

scott, it's 2 in the morning

i'll pay you extra!!!

i can't believe you


i'll be there in 10

"He's on his way," Scott says.

Mark giggles. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," he says.

"Me either," Scott shrugs, "But it's so worth it."

"Completely," Mark agrees. "Come on, let's get dressed."

"Who's to say we can't catch Pokémon in our pajamas?"

Mark stops. "I guess you're right."

Austin picks them up a few minutes later, and drives them around the area slowly.

"Austin! Stop, stop—" Mark says, Austin stops and Mark gets out of the car. He taps his screen a few times before getting in the car. "Okay, keep going."

"Nice job, baby," Scott high fives Mark.

"Thanks," Mark smiles. "Oh, there's another one coming up here. This one's all yours."

"Austin? Can you stop the car please?" Scott asks, and Austin stops. He catches the pokémon, and gets back in the car. "This is awesome!"

Mark giggles sweetly, says "Good one, sweetheart," and rests his head on Scott's shoulder as he looks on his phone for a sign of any more.

At a certain point they park the car and start walking the streets, Austin behind them.

Mark catches one, and Scott looks at him as he does, the genuine happiness on his features as the light from his phone reflects on his face.

He can't help himself, he wraps his arm around Mark's shoulders and kisses his forehead.

"What was that for?" Mark asks.

"Because you're adorable," Scott smiles.

Mark rolls his eyes but leans up to give Scott a quick kiss anyway. "Come on, there's one over here.

They catch about 5 or 6 each before Austin insists on taking them back to the hotel.

"Thanks, Austin!" Scott says, as they get out of the car.

"Have a good night! Actually get some sleep, please!"

Scott laughs at that, and they head into their room.

"Okay, that was a lot of fun," Mark says.

"It was," Scott says, "But I'm ready for bed now."

They change into their pajamas, and they kiss each other goodnight before going to sleep.

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