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"Marky? Marky!"

Mark's eyes flutter open and he smiles when he sees his excited boyfriend. "Hi, baby."

"Hi," Scott giggles. "Can we go play in the snow?"

Mark chuckles at the blonde. "Sure, sweetheart."

"Let's go!" Scott says, and Mark chuckles again.

A few minutes later, they're outside, and Scott is admiring the beautiful coat of white on the ground.

"Woah," Scott says. "Sorry, baby, there was never much snow in Texas growing up."

"I think it's so cute how mesmerized you are by the snow," Mark admits, kissing Scott's cheek.

Scott giggles, reaching down to form a snowball, throwing it at Mark.

"Scotty!" Mark yells, and Scott laughs, running away.

They begin throwing snowballs at each other, and it's when Scott slips on some ice and falls that it stops.

"Baby! Are you okay?" Mark runs to him.

"Yeah," Scott smiles.

Mark looks at Scott, rosy cheeks, snow on his jacket and in his hair, and kisses him.

"What was that for, Marky?" Scott asks. "Not that I mind. I love your kisses."

"Because I love you," Mark says. "And you just look so cute with all of that snow in your hair." He smiles.

"I love you too," Scott says. "Kiss me again?"

Mark leans in to kiss Scott, and more snow begins to fall.

"Baby! It's snowing!" Scott says, and Mark pulls Scott close.

"You're so adorable," Mark says, "I love watching you with the snow."

Scott sticks his tongue out, catching a snowflake. "Wow," he whispers. "It's so beautiful."

Mark rests his chin on Scott's shoulder, holding him even closer than before. "This is perfect." He says.

Scott nods in agreement, placing his hands on top of Mark's. "It is, but I'm freezing. Can we come back outside later?"

Mark smiles sweetly, giving a gentle nod. "Let's go inside."

20 minutes later, they're cuddling on the couch, watching a movie, blankets draped over them.

Scott adjusts, cuddling closer to Mark.

"Comfy?" Mark asks.

"Yeah!" Scott says, a smile on his face. He giggles, kissing Mark's chest. "You're always so comfy."

Mark smiles, running a hand through Scott's hair. "So fucking cute," he mumbles, smiling down at Scott.

"Mm, feels good, Marky. Keep doing that."

"What, this?" Mark runs his hand through Scott's hair.

"Yeah. It's like a massage."

"Okay, sweetheart."

A few more minutes into the movie, Mark looks down and sees that Scott is asleep.

"My sweet boy," Mark mumbles.

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