hurt (scomark)

469 15 4

for NilayKiyilar

"Are you ready, honey? Our brunch reservations are in a half hour." Scott says.

"One second!" Mark calls from the bathroom.

Scott laughs. Of course Mark needs another minute. He goes into the bathroom to see Mark fixing his hair and sees that he's wearing a nice black button up shirt and some black dress pants.

"You know how I love black on black on you," He says, wrapping his arms around his waist, kissing the top of his head. Mark spins around in his arms to lean in and kiss him quickly. When they pull apart, Scott admires him again. "God, you look so good."

Mark giggles quietly. "So do you, baby," he says, "Let's go, before we're late."

They head to their car and Scott takes the driver's seat. He grabs Mark's hand as he drives with the other, bringing Mark's hand up to his lips.

Mark giggles from the passenger's seat. Scott's done that countless times, but he loves it every time.

"You're so cute, Marky. I love you." Scott says, turning his head towards Mark.

"I love you too," Mark says, then faces the front again. He gasps. "Baby! Watch out!"

Everything goes white.

Scott opens his eyes after a few minutes. He thinks he's fine. He tries to sit up, and hisses in pain. Okay, his legs hurt really bad. Definitely an injury there.

He has to bring himself to look at Mark, next to him.

He's still unconscious. His forehead is bleeding, and he's trapped under a piece of the car that bent inward.

"Marky?" Scott asks shakily, a tear falling down his face. "Marky, what did I do?" He reaches over to unlock his seatbelt. He needs Mark to wake up.

He runs a hand along Mark's cheek. "Sweetheart," his voice cracks, "I did the one thing I promised I'd never do. I hurt you..." He starts to cry, "Please wake up, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again."

Mark's eyes slowly open. "Scotty?" He asks weakly, then winces in pain. "Scotty, it hurts," Mark starts to cry. "It hurts so bad."

Scott nods. "I know. I'm so sorry. I always say I'll never hurt you and look what I've done."

Neither of them remember much between that and the emergency services removing them from the car, taking them to the hospital.

They both have injuries that will heal over time. Scott still hasn't forgiven himself, even though Mark insists it wasn't his fault.

He's so torn up about it that he has nightmares about that day over and over again.

Mark wakes up to hear Scott quietly crying next to him.

"Baby?" Mark asks, "Baby, did you have another nightmare?"

Scott nods next to him.

Mark takes Scott into his arms and lets him cry for a little bit.

"How bad was it?" Mark asks.

Scott shakes his head. "You died," he mumbles, "It felt so real, Marky. I...I really lost you. I just can't believe I hurt you..."

"You didn't lose me, I'm right here, and you didn't hurt me, the other car did." Mark says, "I'm right here," he repeats, then kisses Scott's hair. "I love you, I'm not going anywhere."

"We're both okay," Scott mumbles, more for himself than anything, "We're okay."

"We are, we're healed, we're okay," Mark says, "How about we sleep some more?"

Scott nods against Mark, and kisses the closest thing he can reach, which is his chest. "Okay," he mumbles, "Good night."

"Good night, sweetheart."

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