tour (scomark)

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Mark has never seen Scott sing live before.

He's watching him in his acapella group, Pentatonix, from the wings. He loves seeing Scott so happy onstage and the way he interacts with his fans. He thinks it's sweet.

"Hey," Mark says, when Scott comes offstage.

"Hey, baby," Scott says, hugging Mark.

"You're sweaty," Mark giggles, "Is the concert over?"

"We normally do an encore," Scott says, "Only 2 more songs."

Mark hears the chanting from offstage. "Okay, hurry back." He smiles.

Scott goes back onstage and Mark adores how happy he is. He's absolutely beaming.

Esther stands beside Mark. "Pretty amazing, isn't it?"

Mark blushes. "Yeah," he says, "They really love him and he really loves them."

"I've seen him make that face before," Esther says.

"When?" Mark asks.

"When he talks about you," Esther smiles.

Mark blushes more. "Really?" He asks.

All Esther can do is nod before the group goes offstage again.

Scott wraps his arms around Mark and Mark hugs him back.

"How did you like it?" Scott asks. He bites his lip. Mark thinks it's adorable how serious he is about this question.

"I loved it, baby," Mark says.

Scott smiles. "I'm so happy you liked it," he says, "are you coming with us for the rest of the tour, then?"

Mark ponders. "I'll have to postpone those shoots I have..."

"Oh, baby, you don't have to, it's okay—"

"Because I'd much rather travel the world to see you perform," Mark giggles, placing a kiss on Scott's lips. "Yes, I'm coming on tour with you."

"Really? You're sure?"

"I wouldn't trade anything for getting to see you perform every night," Mark says.

"I love you," Scott says, "I can't believe it."

Mark giggles. "I can't either. I'm so happy."

And Mark goes on tour with them. He's more than happy to cheer on his boyfriend every night, and traveling the world is a nice plus, too.

Now they're going to bed after the London show. They're in the hotel room bed face to face.

"This is what I want to do for the rest of my life," Scott says.

"Sing?" Mark asks.

"I mean, yeah," Scott starts, "But I meant travel the world with you. Be with you. Having you with me every day has made me so happy, baby," Scott says.

Mark smiles. "I love traveling the world with you," he says. "Maybe one day if we get married, we can just travel for a few months."

"We will, one day. I'll marry you and we'll travel as long as you want, wherever you want, sweetheart."

Scott leans foreword and kisses Mark then, and that's all they need.

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