prom (scomark)

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"I'm nervous," Mark says, squeezing Scott's hand as they walk.

"Why, baby?" Scott kisses Mark's temple, "It's just prom. Everyone knows we're together, we'll see all of our friends, and we'll have a great time."

"I know." Mark says, "It's just...people found out that we're together this week. What if people talk?"

"People will talk," Scott says, "But if it's bad, you know what I'll do," He chuckles.

Mark smiles, and they approach the ticket table in front of the venue.

Scott gives the teacher working it their two tickets and they head in. They approach the room that the dance is happening in.

"Ready?" Scott asks.

"More than ready. Can't wait to show off my man," Mark laughs.

Scott opens the door for Mark, and they walk in. They see all of their classmates dressed up nicely, and Scott gives Mark's hand a squeeze, reminds him not to be nervous.

"Hey, guys!" Esther says, making her way over to them in a black dress. "Wow, you guys clean up well!"

"Thanks, Essie, you look amazing!" Scott smiles.

"I've gotta get back to my date. See you at school!" She walks away.

They laugh and Mark looks around. "Everyone looks so good! It's nice to see them dressed up."

"You're the most beautiful person here," Scott says, and Mark can't help but blush.

"Baby, stop it," He giggles, and Scott takes his hand.

"Let's go mingle, baby." Scott says.

They talk with all of their friends for about an hour and a half, and their friends are extremely supportive of them.

"So, what are your plans for spring break?" Matt asks.

"I'm going to Panama City Beach with my family," Mark says, "and I'm trying to get this goober to come with me."

"Marky, you know that—" Scott pauses.

"What is it?" Mark asks.

"There's a slow song playing. Come dance with me." Scott takes Mark's hand.

"Have fun, you guys! Keep it PG." Kirstin says.

They find their own spot on the floor, and Mark wraps his arms around Scott's neck, and Scott wraps his arms around Mark's waist. They sway gently to the beat of the music.

"See? There was nothing to worry about," Scott says. "Everyone is being so supportive of us."

"You're right," Mark says. "I'm so happy." He smiles.

"Me too, baby."

"I don't have to hide my feelings for you," Mark giggles, and kisses the corner of Scott's mouth.

"You're not gonna give me a real kiss?" Scott pouts.

Mark rolls his eyes and gives Scott a "real kiss." Scott smiles when Mark pulls away.

"I love you." Scott says.

Mark returns the smile. "I love you too, Scotty."

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