stars (scomark)

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"Okay, Marky, it's all set up," Scott says, patting the spot next to him on the blanket he'd set up so they can look at the sky.

Scott lays down first, and Mark cuddles into Scott's side, resting his head on Scott's shoulder, throwing one leg over Scott's, and placing a hand on his chest.

"You're comfy," Mark says, and Scott wraps an arm around him to bring him closer.

"Look, baby," Scott says, "The stars are so pretty."

Mark props himself up so he can look at Scott. "You're prettier."

Scott blushes. "Baby..."

Mark giggles at Scott's bashfulness, and kisses his cheek.

"Scotty, can I ask you something?" Mark asks.

"Sure, baby, anything," Scott says.

Mark pouts. "I, I had a bad dream the other night and I just need to you think we're in it for the long run?"

Scott frowns. "Of course, Marky," he says. "I don't want to be with anyone but you," he smiles. "What happened?"

Mark shakes his head. "Just, a bad dream. A really bad dream. And now I'm over analyzing everything."

"C'mere," Scott opens his arms, and Mark goes back to cuddling him. "You are absolutely it for me, Mark Manio. I just know it."

Scott feels Mark smiling on him, and kisses his hair gently.

"You always know just what to say," Mark says.

"I'm glad," Scott says. "You mean everything to me."

Mark cuddles closer, and Scott starts talking about some of the stars and constellations. Mark has always thought it's adorable that Scott was a bit of a space nerd, and he lets himself drift off to the rumble of Scott's voice against his chest.

"Marky, there's a shooting star," Scott whispers.

Mark opens his eyes, watches it go by. "Wow," he whispers.

"What did you wish for?" Scott asks.

Mark shrugs. "I have everything I need right here."

Scott pouts adorably, and Mark leans up to kiss his chest. "What did you wish for, baby?"

Scott smiles. "That I'll marry you, and we'll have the perfect life together," He says.

Mark smiles and closes his eyes again. "That sounds nice."

Scott starts talking about the stars again, and Mark falls asleep in his arms.

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