marry me

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They're just lounging on the couch. Comfortable sitting next to each other. They have a flight to catch in a few hours, just relaxing for a bit before they have to leave.

"Baby?" Mark asks.

"Hm?" Scott responds, looking at his phone.

"Hold my hand," Mark says.

Scott grabs Mark's hand, not looking up from his phone.

"Baby," Mark pouts. "Hold my hand like you mean it," he says.

Scott puts his phone down, gives Mark's hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." He lets go of Mark's hand, opting on pulling him close instead.

Mark giggles. "It's okay," he says. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

Mark places a small kiss to Scott's chest. "Honey?"


"Will you marry me?"

Scott gasps. "What?"

Mark just smiles up at Scott sweetly.

"Are you...are you serious, babe?" Scott asks.

"Yeah," Mark softens. "I am. As much as I love being your boyfriend...I think I'd rather be your husband."

"Marky," Scott says, "Of course I'll marry you. Oh my god. I'm so happy." He leans in and kisses Mark. "I'd marry you in a heartbeat. I love you so much."

Mark giggles. "I love you too, baby. Now, let's just cuddle, okay?"

"I'm your fiancé," Scott says. "Oh my god, I have a fiancé!"

Mark keeps giggling. "You're so cute," he says. "I have the cutest fiancé I could ever ask for."

"Fiancé," Scott practically whines. "Oh my god."

Mark kisses Scott sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Scott says. "Wait..."


"Are we getting engagement rings?" Scott asks, barely above a whisper.

"I actually already have them..." Mark says.

"What? Where are they?" Scott asks.

Mark can't help but giggle at his giddy boyfr—fiancé. "In the suitcases, darling."

"Were you going to propose to me in Bora Bora, Marky?"

Mark shrugs. "I was... but I figured I would just do it now so we can celebrate while we're there."

"Can I go get the rings? Right now?" Scott asks.

"Sure, baby," Mark says.

Scott unzips the suitcase to find two ring boxes. "Marky," his voice cracks. He grabs the two boxes, bringing them back to the couch. "Marky..."

Mark looks at Scott's eyes, and notices he's crying. "Baby, don't cry." He wipes his thumbs under Scott's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Scott says. "I just love you so much and I really wasn't expecting this, and I'm so happy," he says.

Mark grabs one of the ring boxes, opens it, and takes the ring out. "This is your out if you want it," he says. "Scott Hoying, will you marry me?"

"Absolutely," Scott says, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. "Oh my god, absolutely."

Mark kisses the ring before placing it on Scott's finger, and kisses Scott's hand once it's there.

"I love you so much," Scott says. "I love you. God, I can't wait to marry you. Can I put your ring on you?" He asks.

Mark bites his lip, smiling, and nods.

"Oh my god, okay," Scott laughs. "Mark Manio, if you accept this're officially engaged to me. Is that a step you're willing to take?"

Mark smiles. "Just put it on me, you idiot."

Scott slides the ring onto Mark's finger, and kisses Mark as soon as it's on. "My fiancé, Marky."

Mark giggles. "My fiancé, Scotty."

Scott cuddles close to Mark, content with everything. "I can't wait to marry you, honey. I love you."

"I love you too."

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