quarantine (scomark)

201 8 3

Just assume between moments it's a few weeks in between each

Mark frowns when he sees Scott calling him. He never calls, normally texts or facetimes instead.

"Hello?" He answers.

Scott sighs on the other line. "Hey, baby."

Mark smiles at the sound of Scott's voice. "Hey, sweetheart, what's up?"

"The European tour is postponed. All of it." Scott says. Mark can tell he wants to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Scotty," Mark says. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Stop this deadly virus?" Scott jokes.

Mark pouts, then realizes that Scott can't hear him. "Well, why don't you come home, and I'll cook you a nice dinner?" He says.

Scott's eyes flutter open, he looks up at the ceiling, and sighs.

"Morning, honey," Mark says, bringing Scott a coffee.

"Thanks, baby," Scott accepts the coffee.

"What do we want to do today?" Mark sits at the foot of the bed, and grabs Scott's hand.

Scott sighs, looking down. "What is there to even do?" He laughs pathetically.

Mark squeezes Scott's hand, causing him to look at him. "Watch movies, make puzzles, go on a walk or two, write songs, have a picnic, redecorate, cook a multi-course meal..." He trails off. "There's plenty to do, my love."

Scott smiles. "You're right. How about we go on a walk?"

Mark smiles back. "I'll be ready in 10," he says.

"Good Morning," Scott says, kissing Mark's hair.

"Mmh," Mark groans. "Mornin'," he says.

"Happy Birthday, sweetheart," Scott giggles, placing kisses to Mark's shoulder, neck, jaw, and lips.

Mark smiles under all of the kisses. "Thank you, baby." He smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too," Scott responds, going in for another kiss. "Come on, I made you breakfast."

"Can you bring it in here?" Mark asks.

Scott smiles. "Yeah, I'll be back in just a second."

He comes back a few moments later with two plates of breakfast. He gives one to Mark, and they eat together in bed.

"Now, it's no Mark Manio specialty," Scott teases, "But I tried."

Mark giggles as he puts his empty plate to the side. "It's perfect, Scotty. Thank you."

"What do you want to do now?" Scott asks. "I have plans for later, but we have a few hours to kill."

"I think I just wanna cuddle," Mark smiles, and Scott leans in to kiss him.

"That can be arranged."

Scott comes in the house, groceries in hand, and smiles from ear to ear when he sees Mark singing and dancing as he cooks.

Mark sees Scott. "Hi, baby! Join me!"

Scott laughs as he puts the groceries down. "You're so cute."

"Come on, Scotty!" Mark grabs Scott's hand. "Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time..."

Scott laughs as he starts to dance around the kitchen with Mark.

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