summer nights (scomark)

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Mark is making dinner when he sees the door open. Scott takes off his coat, hangs up his bag, and his keys, before making his way to Mark.

"Hi, my love," Scott says, wrapping his arms around Mark from behind, placing his chin on Mark's shoulder.

"Hey, baby," Mark smiles. "How was your day at work?" He asks, as he seasons the meat in the pan.

"Long," Scott admits. "Nothing a meal by chef Manio can't fix."

Mark chuckles at that, and Scott kisses Mark's temple, then lips, before sitting on a barstool so he can look at Mark.

"What did you do today?" Scott asks.

"I took Bubs for a walk," Mark starts, and Bubba perks up at the mention of a walk. "No, baby, I'm just telling daddy about you," he giggles, "I went grocery shopping, and then I just kind of hung out here."

"Good day?" Scott asks.

Mark nods. "Yeah, I had a good day."

Scott smiles. "That makes me happy," he says. "So how about we eat dinner, then go for a swim?" Scott offers. "I don't work tomorrow."

"How about we eat outside?" Mark asks. "It's not too hot."

Scott nods. "Sounds great, my love."

Their empty plates are abandoned at the outside table, and Scott is already in the pool, waiting for Mark to step in.

"Come on, baby," Scott teases, "I'll splash you."

"Don't," Mark whines. "Let me take my time."

Scott makes quick work of swimming over to the steps, picking Mark up in his arms, and bringing him into the pool.

"Scotty!" Mark yells. "It's cold!"

"You were taking too long," Scott shrugs, laughing.

Mark pouts, but when Scott leans in and kisses him, it fades to a smile.

"I knew you couldn't stay mad,"

"Oh, hush," Mark says. "You're a good kisser."

"I'll accept that," Scott shrugs, leaning in and kissing Mark again. "You're a good kisser, too."

Mark giggles, and swims over to the steps, so he can sit. "Look, the sun is setting!"

Scott follows, content to watch the sunset with Mark.

"I love you," Mark says. "I feel like I don't tell you enough."

Scott is caught off guard. "What? Don't tell me enough?"

Mark shrugs. "I don't know, you practically scream it from the rooftops."

"Baby, you tell me as soon as we wake up, as soon as we're going to sleep, and throughout the day," Scott says. "What more could I want?"

Mark leans his head on Scott's shoulder. "I guess I just don't express it as much as I feel like I should. Because I do love you. I really, really love you."

"And I really really love you, too," Scott says, lacing Mark's fingers with his. "You're my person."

"You're mine, too." Mark smiles, kissing Scott's jaw. "My person. My perfect person."

They sit in silence for a moment, and then Scott speaks up.



"Will you—uh, wait, would you, this is hypothetical. This is not a proposal happening right now," He clarifies, "But I just want to know, would you marry me, if I asked?"

Mark chuckles. "I would marry you right now if you wanted to."

And Scott smiles so big, that Mark can't help but giggle and press kisses all over Scott's face.

"You would?" Scott asks. "You really would?"

"Of course I would," Mark says. "I love you."

"Fuck, Marky," Scott says, "You get more and more perfect by the second. I love you so much."

Mark just leans in and kisses him, and that's all he has to say.

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