sing (scomark)

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mark loves to hear scott sing

based loosely on a request from @thearbear

y'all leave comments and requests! :-)

"You're sure you want to listen to me record? It gets pretty boring after a while," Scott says.

"Yeah, baby, I'm sure." Mark says. "I just, I love to hear you sing." He blushes.

"Oh, sweetheart," Scott says, "That's adorable."

"What? That I like your voice?" Mark asks, "I just, I don't know, it's so soothing."

"I love you." Scott grins. "I'll be done in an hour or so."

"Okay," Mark steals a kiss. "I'll be here."

Scott goes into the booth and puts his headphones on. He starts singing and Mark feels like he's lovestruck for the first time all over again.

Scott's on his second song when he looks over and sees that Mark is asleep. He almost laughs, because he knew this would get boring for Mark, but he keeps going.

He finally finishes up and leaves the booth. He places a kiss to Mark's hair before he wakes him up.

"Baby?" He runs a hand up and down Mark's back gently. "Baby, I'm all finished for today."

Mark's eyes flutter open. "Huh?"

"I was recording and you fell asleep."

"Did I?"

Scott nods and laughs. "You did."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Scotty," Mark starts.

"No, sweetheart, it's okay, I told you, it does get boring."

"But I don't remember getting bored. It was just....nice to listen to. I don't know how to explain it."

"Like a lullaby?"

"Yeah! A lullaby." Mark says. "Worked like a charm. You sounded so good, baby."

"Thank you," Scott laughs, "Ready to go?"

Mark nods, standing up and grabbing Scott's hand.

Mark can't help the smile that forms when he hears Scott sing the opening lines to "Hallelujah."

He loves getting to watch his baby live his dream. And hearing him sing every single night is a bonus.

He doesn't realize he's crying until Scott's offstage, asking him about it.

"Sweetheart? What's the matter?" Scott asks.

"What? Oh—" Mark laughs to himself. "This is what happens when you sing, Scotty. You killed it tonight."

"I did this?" Scott pouts.

"They're good tears," Mark insists, "I promise. Don't worry. I just, I love you so much. I needed that, I guess."

Scott's still more than eager to engulf Mark in a hug, kissing his hair as he does so.

They're home from a date.

The music from when they left is still on in their apartment.

Scott goes on his phone and changes it to slower music.

"Smooth," Mark says.

"I just wanna dance with my baby," Scott shrugs. "Dance with me, sweetheart." He offers his hand.

"Why should I?" Mark asks.

"I'll sing to you," Scott offers.

Mark takes Scott's hand, and they start dancing. Mark blushes when Scott starts singing along to "The Way You Look Tonight."

"I love you." Mark says.

"I love you too," Scott says. "And that laugh, that wrinkles your nose—" he continues.

Mark sighs contentedly. This is how life is supposed to be. Dancing to Frank Sinatra with his boyfriend while he sings to him.

"Don't think too hard down there," Scott says.

"I'm just happy. That's all." Mark says.

And he is. He's happy. He's loved. He's in love.

scotty: i miss you more than anything, baby!! check your email :-)

m&ms: okay, baby. i miss you too

Mark checks his email and smiles when he sees a link to a youtube video.

La Vie En Rose-Scott Hoying

He clicks it and watches it. He loves knowing that Scott is thinking of him.

He especially loves it when he picks Mark's favorite song.

He reads the caption.

for my love @markmanio. it's been a few long weeks and i can't wait to see you tomorrow🥰

m&ms: baby. so freaking sweet. my favorite song.

scotty: i've missed you so much, sweetheart. i wanted to spend some time with family but next time i think i'll limit it to just a week. three weeks is so long.

m&ms: or take me with you :-(

scotty: of course. they would love to have you.
scotty: just one more night, baby.

m&ms: one more night. the longest night ever.

scotty: what if it wasn't

m&ms: what do you mean?

Mark scrunches his eyebrows. It's gonna be a long night no matter what, knowing that Scott's coming home tomorrow.

"Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose,"

Mark breaks out into a grin. He'd know that voice anywhere. His favorite song is being sang by his favorite person accompanied by guitar.

"Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose,"

Mark walks to the door and opens it. "You're too much, you know that?"

Scott shrugs. He strums an instrumental break on the guitar. "I, for one, thought it was a nice surprise."

Mark rolls his eyes. "It is. Get in here."

scotty: what movie do you wanna watch?

Mark chuckles at the boy texting him even though they're right next to each other. Scott's on vocal rest.

"Uglydolls." Mark says.

scotty: uglydolls?

Mark hums an affirmative. "Yeah, I can still hear you sing that way. Pentatonix has a song in it."

Scott rolls his eyes but puts it on.

scotty: want me to skip to our part?

Mark giggles and nods, blushing when Scott kisses his temple gently before he skips a chunk of the movie.

scotty: there. happy?

"Yeah." Mark says. "Love hearing you sing. Love hearing how big you've made it."

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