you didn't deserve it (meau)

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"Beau, I just don't get it. All I ask is for a little more support from you, and you refuse to give even that to me. Why?" Mitch asks, standing up.

"Baby, I just don't think it's a good idea. I don't want you overscheduling yourself. You know how you get—"

"First of all, don't call me baby right now. I'm mad at you, in case you couldn't tell. Second, I want to do this. What part of that isn't clear?"

"I just think you should wait until you're done with the superfruit album before you release your EP," Beau says, "I've seen you overschedule yourself to the point that you have panic attacks and I just don't want that for you."

"Is it about what you want for me? How about what I want for me? I'm my own person, aren't I?"

"You know what?" Beau stands up. "Fine. Do whatever the hell you want, Mitch. See if I care." He raises his hands in an exaggerated gesture and stops when he sees Mitch flinch, and shield his face.

"Wait," Beau says, softening up immediately, "Wait, did you just flinch? Mitchy, do you ever think that I would hurt you? I realize I was really angry just a second ago, but I want you to know that I would never hit you." He takes a step closer to Mitch. "You can release your EP and I'll support you all the way. There are more important matters at hand."

Mitch unshields his face. "Force of habit," he mumbles quietly.

"Force of habit?" Beau asks. "Baby, were you in an abusive relationship before?"

Mitch hesitates, and then nods slowly, tears streaming down his face.

Beau steps even closer and wraps his arms around Mitch. "I'm so sorry, baby. You should never feel unsafe around me. I would never ever lay a hand on anyone unless I felt that my own, or someone I love's, life was in danger."

Mitch shakily wraps his arms back around Beau. "I'm s-sorry," he says.

"None of this is your fault," Beau says, "It's my fault for scaring you back into that mindset."

Mitch pulls away and Beau wipes his tears. "You know that I'll never hurt you, right?"

Mitch nods slowly. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"You scaring me? I'm sorry for scaring you, sweetheart. I just, why are people like that?" Beau asks, his voice breaking. Tears fall down his cheeks. "Why do people hurt other people? Mitchy, there isn't any reason that anyone should ever hurt you."

"Baby," Mitch says, "Baby, I love you. You make me feel safe and protected. I got scared for just a second but I promise I'm not scared of you like that." Mitch kisses under Beau's eyes, where the few tears had fallen. "I'm okay now, I promise."

Beau nods, silently saying he understands. Mitch kisses his jaw softly, and then they both sit down on the bed. Beau cups Mitch's face with his hand, and smiles at him.

"I love you so much," Beau says, "Please don't ever feel threatened around me. I never want you to feel that way."

"It was just a moment," Mitch says, "I love you too. I hope you don't think I'm afraid of you." He wraps his arms around Beau's waist and leans into him. "I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

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