college scott & mark just hopelessly in love. that's it. that's the plot.
scotty: i'll be there in 5! 🥰
marky: see you soon, angel! i'm making baked potato soup. it should be ready when you get here :)
scotty: that sounds SO perfect. i can't wait, see you soon ❤️
marky: drive safe❤️☺️
Mark sets down his phone and stirs the soup in the pot. He smiles, it's finally a cold winter evening and he'll get to spend it with his boyfriend.
About 10 minutes later, there's a knock at Mark's door.
Mark answers the door, sees Scott with rosy cheeks and smiles fondly. "Hi, angel."
"Hi, baby," Scott says. "Can I come in? It's really cold."
"Oh, yeah. Come on in, Scotty. Do you want one of my hoodies?"
"Would you mind?"
Mark just rolls his eyes and places a kiss on Scott's forehead before going to get one of his hoodies.
"Here, honey." Mark says.
When Scott gets the hoodie, he puts it on, sighing contently. "Much better. Thank you, Marky. You're not getting this back, by the way."
Mark laughs. "Keep it. It looks better on you." He smiles fondly. "I've still got one or two of your hoodies too."
"Exactly. It's payback." Scott sits on one of the barstools in the kitchen.
"Sure it is," Mark says fondly, leaning in to kiss Scott's temple. "I missed you this week, angel. I know I saw you yesterday...but I haven't seen you as much as I normally do this week."
Scott grabs Mark's hands. "It's not your fault you've been busy with work and classes," he says. "It's okay. And I missed you too."
A timer on Mark's phone goes off. "Soup's ready," Mark says quietly, placing another quick kiss to Scott's temple. Scott smiles with a cute blush on his cheeks, leaning his head on his hand, pressing his weight into his elbow on the counter as he watches Mark put the soup into two bowls.
Mark passes Scott a bowl, and sits next to Scott on one of the barstools. They eat in a comfortable silence, then Scott insists on doing the dishes.
"What are you doing?" Scott giggles when he feels Mark's arms wrap around him from behind.
Mark rests his chin on Scott's shoulder. "Holding you. Like I said...I missed you."
"I love you," Scott smiles big, turning his head and kissing Mark's forehead. "I know it feels a bit weird to say it now, but...I just wanted to."
Mark smiles. That's still new. He wonders how red he is from blushing. They've only told each other the L word a handful of times. Mark has figured out that with other boys, it lost meaning as they said it.
Not with Scott. Never with Scott. If anything, it means more in these moments like when Scott is washing the dishes and feels the need to say it right now.
Mark kisses Scott's shoulder in return. "It's not weird," he says. "I love you so much."
Scott puts the dishes on the drying rack, then turns around in Mark's arms. Mark moves his arms up to reach behind Scott's neck.
"We could watch a movie or something?" Scott asks. "Could I stay the night too? I understand if not...I just really missed you this week."
"Stay the whole weekend? Please?" Mark asks, smiling. "What kind of movie?"
"I'll need to go get some more clothes," Scott says. "A Christmas movie?" He asks hopefully.
"I was hoping you'd say that," Mark smiles big. "Don't worry about getting more clothes. You can just wear more of mine."
"You just want to see me in your clothes, don't you?" Scott asks.
"I can't help it! You're so cute and all happy whenever you wear my clothes," Mark explains.
"....I don't know, I just love it." Scott blushes.
Mark giggles and leans up to place a sweet kiss to Scott's lips. "It's okay. I feel the same way when I wear your clothes. How about you put on a pair of my sweatpants and we can go cuddle before we watch the movie?"
"Okay," Scott smiles again.
They walk to Mark's room, Scott puts on a pair of (Mark's) sweatpants, and they get into Mark's bed.
"You're so cute," Mark says, practically gushing. "It's not fair.
Scott chuckles and leans in, placing one kiss to each of Mark's cheeks.
"Baby!" Mark giggles. "What are you doing?"
"I, um..." Scott blushes. "I really like your smile lines, sweetheart."
Mark looks at Scott, confused for a moment, and then Scott cups Mark's face with his hands, tracing his thumbs along Mark's smile lines. (Which just so happens to make Mark's smile bigger, making the smile lines more prominent.)
"These, right here," Scott says. "Your smile lines. I think they're my favorite part about you." Scott moves his thumbs farther back, more along Mark's cheeks, in favor of leaning in and kissing his left smile line a few times.
When Scott pulls away, Mark cups his own left cheek. "Oh my god," he says, his blush (and smile) growing immensely.
Scott can't help himself. He leans in and kisses Mark's right smile line. When he pulls away this time, Mark's smile has faded to a soft one.
"That's the most precious thing anyone's ever said to me, Scotty." Mark admits. "That's so sweet of you, baby."
"I just...I love them." Scott blushes. "I love your smile, and they tell me just how happy you are, and...and...oh god, there you go again," Scott blushes deeper as Mark's smile grows.
"I love you," Mark says, leaning in to kiss Scott. "I love you so much, Scotty."
"I love you too," Scott says once he pulls away. "So, so much."
Mark opens his laptop on his lap, Scott lays down slightly more than Mark, wrapping an arm around his midsection and resting his head on Mark's chest.
"Comfy?" Mark teases.
Scott nods contently, and Mark laughs cutely. "What movie should we watch, angel?" Mark asks.
"Whatever you want, baby," Scott mumbles.
Mark picks The Princess Switch, and they both watch it on his laptop.
About an hour in, Mark looks down at Scott.
He's fast asleep.
"Goodnight, angel." Mark mumbles, closing his laptop.

scomark oneshots
Fanfictionscomark oneshots. there are a few meau sprinkled in here, and some scomiche at the beginning!