earthquake (scomark)

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getting requests and i am HERE for it. this is for NnoayKiyilar

leave requests for scomiche, meau, or scomark here! ->

"We're finally home," Scott says, laying down on his bed, "For a whole month."

Mark chuckles at his boyfriend. "Dramatic much?"

Scott sits up. "Me? Dramatic? Where would
you ever get an idea like that?"

Mark slips his shoes off and joins Scott on their bed. "Oh, I don't know..." he teases.

They get under the covers and then Scott wraps his arms around Mark. Mark rests his head on Scott's chest and he draws patterns on his exposed skin where his shirt is lifting up.

"Falling asleep, babe?" Mark asks, and Scott nods.

Mark sits up and places a kiss to Scott's hair. "Go to sleep, Scotty. I'll have dinner ready when you wake up."

Scott falls asleep and Mark slips out of his arms. He decides to go to the store to get the ingredients for what he's making.

Scott wakes up when he feels shaking.

Intense shaking. He hears a few books fall off the shelves. He grips onto his blanket until it stops.

Then, he gets a call.

"Hey, Scotty..."

"Marky? Is everything ok? Everything's fine over here. Where are you?"

"I'm at safeway. One of the displays fell and my leg is caught." Mark's voice cracks at
the end. He's in pain.

"Oh, Marky," Scott says, "I'm on my way."

A few minutes later, he arrives. He finds Mark in the back. The display is off of his leg but he's clearly in a lot of pain. There's a few people around him.

"Marky?" Scott calls.

"Scotty," Mark mumbles, tears in his eyes. "Scotty, it hurts."

"I know it does," Scott says, picking Mark up. "I've got you. You're all taken care of, angel."

Mark cuddles and cries into Scott as he's carried out of the store. He falls asleep at some point but isn't quite sure when.

He wakes up at home with a cast on his leg.

"Huh? How long was I out for?"

Scott kisses Mark's temple. "You fell asleep in the car on the way to the hospital, woke up for a bit once we got there, and then they gave you some anesthesia and said you probably wouldn't remember anything about the hospital."

"I don't."

"You broke your leg pretty bad, sweetheart. But, I'm here every step of the way, okay? They had to do a minor surgery on it, but you'll be fine in 2 months."

"So when I'm on tour with you I'll have to wear a cast?"

Scott nods. "But that's only if you still want
to go. If you want to wait until you're healed I completely understand."

"No, I wanna be with you." Mark says. "We'll figure it out."

Scott smiles. "I love you. I'm here."

Mark squeezes Scott's hand. "I love you too."

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