three years (scomark)

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Scott walks into the apartment, suitcase dragging behind him.

Mark is cooking when he walks in. "Hi, baby," he says, "Welcome home."

"Hey, sweetheart," Scott wraps his arms around Mark's waist and kisses his cheek quickly, "I missed you."

"Happy Anniversary," Mark says.

"Happy Anniversary," Scott says back, "What are you making?"

"I'm meal prepping, I thought we could go to that nice greek restaurant tonight."

"You got us a reservation?" Scott asks.

Mark nods.

"You're the best," Scott says, "I'm gonna go unpack a bit, if you want to join me."

Mark takes the skillet off of the stove. "This needs to cool a little before I try to pack it up," Mark says, "So I guess I'll join you," he teases.

Mark helps Scott unpack, getting caught up on how Scott's last two weeks of tour went. Scott is extra careful to make sure Mark doesn't see his present while they're unpacking, he doesn't want to give it to him until later.

"What time is the reservation tonight?" Scott asks, pitting his suitcase away in the closet.

"8:00, so we have about an hour until we have to be there. Is that okay?" Mark asks.

"Yeah, of course,"

An hour later they're walking to their table, where Mark somehow managed to get them a completely private room with a gorgeous view out the window. All of their food is already set up for them.

"Wow, Marky, you really went all out, didn't you?" Scott asks.

"Happy Anniversary," Mark shrugs. "I'm just happy that you came home and that we could celebrate today," he says.

"I wouldn't miss celebrating for the world, Marky. I love you."

Mark smiles at Scott, and Scott's heart melts. "I love you too, baby. Let's eat, okay?"

Scott nods and they both grab a plate, and snag a little bit of everything from the setup presented to them. The food is amazing, and they will definitely be coming back.

Mark is mid-story about something that happened while Scott was gone when he notices the way Scott is looking at him. "What?"

"I'm sorry," Scott says, "I just can't believe we've been together for 3 years, now," Scott smiles. "I'm just here looking at you, wondering if this is my real life right now."

Mark smiles back at him. "The best 3 years of my whole life," he says confidently, "I hope you liked everything tonight, Scotty."

"I loved everything about tonight," Scott says, "I loved it, I love you," he finishes.

"I love you too," Mark says.

Scott is glad he brought his present with him. This is the perfect place to give it to Mark.

"Look at the city from the window," Mark points out, "Come see, baby," he says, getting up and walking closer. There's a small couch near the window, and the two boys sit down on it.

"I didn't know LA could look like that," Scott says. He looks down at Mark for a split second. "Wait, don't move."

"What?" Mark asks, looking at Scott, "Why? Is there a bug or something? Get it off—"

"No, there's nothing on you," Scott says, pulling his phone out, "I just want to get a picture of my baby in front of this view."

Scott backs up a good amount and takes the photo. With the lighting, it's just Mark's silhouette in front of the lights of the city, but it's still a really nice picture.

When Scott makes his way back over to Mark, he sits down and wraps his arm around Mark's shoulders. Mark rests his head on Scott's shoulder, and they enjoy the view for a little while, having small conversation.

"I'm really glad you're back, Scotty," Mark says, "I've been planning this for a while."

"I can tell, I love it. Thank you," Scott says.

"You haven't seen all of it yet," Mark says, sitting up. "I have one more thing I've been planning," Mark says.

"What?" Scott asks.

Mark doesn't know how to answer, so he just shows Scott, getting down on one knee, and reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small box.

Scott is in shock. His eyes widen and he puts his hand over his mouth.

Mark opens the little box, revealing a gorgeous ring. "Scott, will—"

Then a realization hits Scott. "No, no, wait, no—"

"W-what?" Mark asks, tears forming in his eyes, "I thought—"

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry," Scott tries to comfort him, but Mark blinks and tears fall. "It's not like that, here's what I mean," he says, and then Scott is getting down on one knee, pulling out a little box of his own, opening it to show Mark.

Mark stares at Scott, it's his turn to be shocked now. "Oh my god," he says.

Scott chuckles, his own tears forming. "Marky, will you marry me?" He asks.

"Yeah, if you'll marry me," Mark chuckles.

They both stand up and put the rings on each other, all the while still crying. They share a quick kiss before sharing an embrace, finding comfort in each other's arms.

They pull apart after a few long moments, and smile at their engagement rings.

"Oh my god," Scott says, "I can't believe that just happened."

"Me either," Mark says, "I love you so much, Scotty,"

They share a few more kisses before deciding to head home to celebrate appropriately.

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