stargazing (scomark)

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Mark makes his way to Scott's car, waving goodbye to his mom before he gets in.

"Hi, baby!" Mark says.

"Hey, sweetheart," Scott says, leaning in for a quick kiss. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Mark says. "Got our picnic right here. This is going to be so nice."

Scott shifts his car into drive and then grabs Mark's hand across the center console.

Mark smiles at Scott's gesture, giving his hand a squeeze.

About 10 minutes later, they park in front of a large patch of grass, with a perfect view of the sky.

"This is perfect, Scotty" Mark says.

Scott gets out of the car, and pulls out a large picnic blanket, along with some smaller blankets, and even some pillows.

Together, they set up the picnic blanket, and Mark starts emptying the basket.

As they eat, they talk about how the week has gone for each of them. Scott talks about his new internship, Mark talk about some new recipes he's learning in his free time.

"I really missed you this week, Scotty," Mark says, when there's a lull in the conversation.

Scott smiles. "I missed you too, Marky. I feel like I didn't really get to see you."

Mark looks at the sky. "It's golden hour," he says.

Scott can't help but laugh as Mark pulls out his cell phone, opening the camera app to see the perfect lighting.

"Oh, Scotty, it is! Come on, get in here with me."

Scott moves so he can get in the shot, and they take a few pictures. One of them both looking forward, one of them smiling at each other, and one of Mark kissing Scott's cheek.

"Text me those," Scott says. "I don't know which one, but one of those is becoming my phone wallpaper."

Mark giggles as he texts the pictures to Scott.

The sun has set, now, and the stars are making an appearance.

Scott grabs a blanket and two pillows, and pulls Mark close.

Mark rests his head on Scott's chest and they look in the sky.

"Beautiful," Mark says.

"Mhm," Scott hums.

"Are you okay?" Mark asks.

Scott doesn't say anything for a moment.

"I love you." Scott says.

Mark smiles, turning himself so he can see Scott. "You do?"

Scott nods shyly. "I do," he mumbles. He's nervous as to what Mark is going to say. They've only been together for —

Mark giggles at how adorable Scott is when he's nervous. "I love you too, sweetheart." He says.

Relief washes over Scott.

"I'm so happy you said that instead of literally anything else," Scott says.

"I'd be stupid to say anything else," Mark says. "I love you."

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