meeting (college au)

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more college scomark because the vibes are immaculate

this is the same universe as falling in love with love

have some happy sappy to cheer us all up from the news about bubba. 😭


"It's just lunch with my friends, baby." Mark says. "And we're already here waiting for them, there's no going back."

The waiter comes to the table. "Hi, my name is Ash, what can I get for you guys to drink today?"

"I'll have a coke zero," Mark says.

"Can I please get a coke zero too?"

"Coming right up," Ash says.

"Thank you!" Scott calls after her.

Mark turns to face Scott in the side of the booth they're sharing. "My friends are really excited to meet you."

"Yeah, but, what if they don't like me?" Scott asks, nervous.

"No chance. Did you just see how polite you were to our server? You're so sweet to everyone, angel. And let's say they don't like you? Then I don't have to share you," Mark says, leaning in to kiss Scott.

"Marky," Scott whines, "I'm serious!"

"I am too," Mark says. "They're gonna love you, angel, and then they're gonna want you to come hang out all the time. So on the impossible chance they don't like you, that means I don't have to share you."

"I'm just nervous," Scott starts to play with his fingers, looking down at them.

"Scotty?" Mark says, a bit more calm, and Scott looks up at Mark. "They'll love you. I just know it." He leans in and kisses Scott one more time.

"Didn't mean to interrupt the smooch fest going on over here," a voice says, and Scott and Mark quickly pull apart.

"Riley!" Mark says, quickly getting out of the booth. He hugs Riley close before sitting down in the booth. "Scott, this is Riley. We've been friends since high school. Riley, this is my boyfriend, Scott." Mark says proudly, placing a gentle hand on Scott's chest.

"Scott! So nice to finally meet you," Riley says, reaching their hand across the table. Scott reaches his own hand across the table to shake Riley's hand. "You were right, Mark! He is cuter in person! Which is hard to believe because of the pictures you sent me."

Scott chuckles with a cute blush on his cheeks. "Nice to meet you, Riley. I've heard so much about you!"

Riley tucks their hair behind their ear. "That's because I'm amazing."

"Not as amazing as meeee!" Another voice says. Damn, Mark! You go off to a different college and find a model boyfriend! Maybe I should have gone to UCLA with you instead of staying Claremont! I want a model boyfriend, too!"

"Sawyer, this is Scott. Scott, this is Sawyer. She was my best friend my freshman year at Claremont."

Scott smiles at Sawyer. "Nice to meet you, Sawyer. I have to admit, I've heard you two are pretty amazing and I'm a little nervous."

"You're nervous?" Riley asks. "Sawyer and I facetimed until 2am last night talking about how nervous we are!"

"Why are you guys nervous to meet me?"

"Because! You're amazing!"

"Says who?" Scott asks.

"Says me," Mark says, smiling. He leans in to kiss Scott's cheek, and his smile grows. "Because you are."

Scott blushes, and looks back at Riley and Sawyer.

The server comes back with Mark and Scott's drinks, and takes Sawyer and Riley's drink orders before leaving again.

"So," Riley starts, "I found this article of things to ask your best friend's boyfriend to make sure they're not an asshole. Are you up for these questions, Scott?"

"Ri! Don't ask him stupid questions!"

"I am totally down," Scott says.

"First question," Sawyer says. "What attracted you to Mark?"

Scott smiles, looking over at Mark.

"Oh god," Mark laughs. "You're about to open up a whole can of worms, aren't you?"

"First it was his laugh," Scott briefly glances over at Sawyer and Riley, then back to Mark. "But my favorite part about him is his smile lines." He reaches a hand to Mark's left cheek, tracing his smile line. "I turn into a puddle every time he smiles, I swear."

Mark blushes. "Okay. Next question." He abruptly faces Riley and Sawyer.

Scott laughs at Mark's embarrassment, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"Next question!" Riley says. "Why did your last relationship end?"

"Ri! You can't just ask someone that the first time you meet them!" Mark says. "Although, Scott does have a good answer for this."

"Yeah. It was great and all, just not what I was looking for." Scott says. "I hope she finds a guy who, well, likes girls."

Sawyer and Riley burst out laughing at Scott's comment, and the server comes back with the drinks.

"Are we ready to order?"

The table orders their food, and the server leaves.

"Okay, final question!" Sawyer says. "Scott, was it easy to commit to a relationship with Mark?"

Scott looks at Mark, fondly. "I've never been in a serious relationship, so when we had that conversation, I knew something was different. To be completely honest, I felt like I was taking a chance. But over these past few months, I've realized it's the best chance I ever took."

Riley pouts. "That's so cute!"

They chat and get to know each other for the rest of their meal, and when it's over, Scott and Mark get into the same car to head to Scott's place.

"How do you think it went?" Scott asks, nervous.

"You couldn't tell, baby?"

"I...I don't know..." Scott says. "I can never tell if people are just being nice or if they like me."

"They really enjoyed you, angel." Mark smiles sincerely.

"You think so?"

"Honey, Riley doesn't put up with people's bullshit, and they were smiling and having a great time the whole time they were talking to you! As for Sawyer, she's practically in love with you."

"That's too bad," Scott says.


"That's too bad she's practically in love with me," Scott says. "Because my heart is already set to someone else."

"You're a dork."

"I'm your dork."

"Just get over here," Mark says, giggling when Scott eagerly leans over the console to kiss him.

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