Genesis 37:28

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Als aber die midianitischen Kaufleute vorüberkamen, zogen sie ihn heraus aus der Grube und verkauften ihn um zwanzig Silberstücke den Ismaelitern; die brachten ihn nach Ägypten.

Hier werden die Kaufleute, die Ismaeliter sind, auch Midianiter genannt. Die Midianiter waren wahrscheinlich Teil der Ismaeliter zu dieser Zeit. Die Midianiter und die Ismaeliter sind ja schlussendlich verwandt rückführend auf Ismael und sein Halbbruder Midian. 

Josef landet über den Verkauf an diesen Kaufleuten in Ägypten, weit weg von zu Hause. Auch hier sehen wir Parallelen zu seinen Vorfahren, die auch nach Ägypten gegangen sind und dort auf Probleme gestoßen sind. 

Was für eine traurige Geschichte. Für wenig Geld wurde ein Bruder verkauft, wegen Gier, Neid und Missgunst. 20 Silberlinge waren der Kaufpreis für einen Sklaven zu dieser Zeit. 

Im Deutschen haben wir zwei mal den Personalpronomen "ihn". Im Hebräischen aber steht hier drei mal der Name Josef. Diese Wiederholung des Namens zeigt die Wichtigkeit der Ereignisses für die zukünftige Geschichte.

No one can stand upon a lofty height without danger. As the tempest that leaves unharmed the flower of the valley uproots the tree upon the mountaintop, so do fierce temptations that leave untouched the lowly in life assail those who stand in the world's high places of success and honor. But Joseph bore alike the test of adversity and of prosperity. The same fidelity was manifest in the palace of the Pharaohs as in the prisoner's cell.In his childhood, Joseph had been taught the love and fear of God. Often in his father's tent, under the Syrian stars, he had been told the story of the night vision at Bethel, of the ladder from heaven to earth, and the descending and ascending angels, and of Him who from the throne above revealed Himself to Jacob. He had been told the story of the conflict beside the Jabbok, when, renouncing cherished sins, Jacob stood conqueror, and received the title of a prince with God.A shepherd boy, tending his father's flocks, Joseph's pure and simple life had favored the development of both physical and mental power. By communion with God through nature and the study of the great truths handed down as a sacred trust from father to son, he had gained strength of mind and firmness of principle.In the crisis of his life, when making that terrible journey from his childhood home in Canaan to the bondage which awaited him in Egypt, looking for the last time on the hills that hid the tents of his kindred, Joseph remembered his father's God. He remembered the lessons of his childhood, and his soul thrilled with the resolve to prove himself true—ever to act as became a subject of the King of heaven.In the bitter life of a stranger and a slave, amidst the sights and sounds of vice and the allurements of heathen worship, a worship surrounded with all the attractions of wealth and culture and the pomp of royalty, Joseph was steadfast. He had learned the lesson of obedience to duty. Faithfulness in every station, from the most lowly to the most exalted, trained every power for highest service.

Ellen Gould White, Education (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1903), 51–53.

Theologische Nuggets IV (Genesis 34 - 44:26)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt