Genesis 39:18-19

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Als ich aber ein Geschrei machte und rief, da ließ er sein Kleid bei mir und floh hinaus.

Sie sagt ihrem Mann also hier genau das gleiche, was sie ihren Dienern gesagt hatte in Vers 15.  

Als sein Herr die Worte seiner Frau hörte, die sie ihm sagte und sprach: So hat dein Knecht an mir getan, wurde er sehr zornig.

Selbstverständlich lässt das den Ehemann Potiphar nicht kalt. Dieser ist wütend. Aber auf was genau? Auf sich, weil er Josef gekauft hat? Auf seine Frau, weil er vielleicht ihre Art und Weise kennt? Auf Josef, wegen der Enttäuschung? 

His master" reinforces the idea of the power that Potiphar had over the life of Joseph, and their master-slave relationship exacerbated the alleged betrayal. She does not let this pass when she belittles Potiphar's lack of control and judgment ("your slave"). Moreover, that Joseph was a slave would have left him subject to Potiphar's disposal. The term for "anger" (ḥārâ) conveys an inflamed anger, that is, "he was enraged" (NRSV, NAB; "furious," HCSB, NJB, NLT). Only after hearing the emphatic accusation "your slave" (italics mine) does the master become incensed. His wife ignites his rage when she rubs the betrayal in his face.

K. A. Mathews, Genesis 11:27–50:26, Bd. 1B of The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005), 736–737.

The text does not state the object of Potiphar's anger, perhaps suggesting that Potiphar may have been suspicious of his wife. Potiphar's anger is fueled either by the accusations against Joseph—if he does not believe his wife—or by the loss of his best slave and overseer. He is in a difficult position. If he believes his wife, then Joseph must be imprisoned, and the household will suffer. If he doesn't believe her, he cannot shame his household by elevating the testimony of a foreign slave over his wife's reputation—he still has to punish Joseph.

John D. Barry u. a., Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016), Gen 39,19.

Theologische Nuggets IV (Genesis 34 - 44:26)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt