Aber die Midianiter verkauften ihn in Ägypten an Potifar, des Pharao Kämmerer und Obersten der Leibwache.
Entweder haben wie gesagt die Ismaeliten Josef an die Midianiter weiter verkauft die ihn dann an Potifar in Ägypten verkauft haben oder die Ismaeliten und die Midianiter sind die gleiche Gruppe und haben Josef an Potifar verkauft.
Potifar ist einer der wichtigsten Leute im ägyptischen Königreich. Ein Militärmann des obersten Ranges, verantwortlich für die Sicherheit des Pharaos. Hier beginnt die Geschichte Josefs in Ägypten.
The Hebrew text here has Medanites, not Midianites *. This may be a textual slip, but since 25:2 shows the close kinship of the two, the company could well have included elements of both.
*All the ancient versions have 'Midianites'.
Derek Kidner, Genesis: An Introduction and Commentary, Bd. 1 of Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1967), 195–196.
The Hebrew has "Medanites" instead of "Midianites." This is almost assuredly a scribal error with a single Hebrew letter being accidentally omitted.
Rick Brannan und Israel Loken, The Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible, Lexham Bible Reference Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014), Gen 37,36.
The sad scene in Hebron (cf. v. 14) contrasts with a note that Joseph was sold to Potiphar ... Pharaoh's ... captain of the guard.This is a story of hatred and deception. The brothers tried to improve their lot with their father by wicked means. Jacob himself had attempted something similar with his father. The brothers would have to learn, however, as did Jacob, that God does not continue to give His blessings to those who do such things. Their use of goat's blood is ironic, for the skins of a goat were used by Jacob to deceive his father (27:16). Jacob's sin of years before had come back to haunt him. The brothers' attitude would also have to be changed by God, or there would be no nation.
Allen P. Ross, „Genesis", in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, hg. von J. F. Walvoord und R. B. Zuck (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 88.
Theologische Nuggets IV (Genesis 34 - 44:26)
EspiritualEin Mini-Kommentar zu meinen Lieblingsversen aus der Bibel. In diesem Buch, Gedanken zum Buch Genesis ab 34 Die Bilder sind nicht von mir, sondern aus Google und die Gedanken sind eine Mischung aus meinen spontanen Gedanken beim Schreiben, Notizen u...