Chapter 3 Fried snails

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Lu Yue: La Yue/Twelfth lunar in the Month/December

Seeing his stepmother, Lu Xu was inexplicably embarrassed.

Especially when I saw her carrying a baby on her back after working in the fields for a long time and coming back.

He held it in for a while, then said hello somewhat sarcastically, "I'm back."

This is not nonsense?

However, Yuan Manniang didn't have such thoughts. Seeing that her eldest son, who was not very close to her, was no longer depressed, and finally had some vitality, her eyes and nose were sore, "Xu'er, are you feeling better today? You still have a headache?"

Lu Xu shook his head, a little at a loss.

"That's good, that's good..." Yuan Manniang stared blankly in the direction of the kitchen, carrying her youngest son on her back, looking at the two children, one large and three children in her eyes, smelling the smell of water coming out of the kitchen. The aroma made me feel that their family finally got over it.

She smiled at Lu Xu, but squeezed out the tears that were rolling in her eyes.

Lu Xu bit his lip, really not knowing how to deal with this scene.

Originally, his family didn't have lunch, but they had already cooked the snails, so Yuan Manniang went into the kitchen to heat up the steamed buns and cook porridge just so she could make steamed buns.

She went in and Lu Xu came out of the kitchen. Yuan Manniang was used to Lu Xu ignoring her and had long been accustomed to it. This time she misunderstood. Lu Xu, who had changed the core, didn't know how to face her. The original stepmother.

Lu Rui was put on the straw mat. He was still struggling to walk and was crawling all over the mat. Lu Xu sat on the bench and watched him. When he saw that he was about to climb out, he pulled him back. Lu Rui thought he was playing with him, crawled on the floor even more vigorously, and laughed like crazy. Lu Yue also took off her shoes and sat on the mat to block him.

Yuan Manniang peeked her head out of the kitchen from time to time and couldn't help but smile.

After finishing cooking, it was already noon, and other people's families should go to the fields. Yuan Manniang didn't urge them to send fried snails to her two uncles' houses. She simply left half of them to soak in the pot, and fished out the other half to taste first.

At noon it was still the same, the steamed buns were sour, the wild vegetables were bitter, and the porridge was clearer than the river by the village. With snails, the contrast becomes even more stark.

Yuan Manniang tasted two fried escargots, and her almond eyes lit up. Lu Xu couldn't help but wonder if she was actually a foodie.

Lu Zhou and La Yue took a big mouthful of steamed buns and snails, eating them without raising their head. The younger brother Lu Rui, who couldn't eat, walked around the table with two steps and three steps, babbling and slapping the table to get angry. He also wanted to eat, but no one would give it to him. !

Yuan Manniang was picking the meat for the three older ones and wiping the saliva of the younger ones. She was smiling and working non-stop. Only Lu Xu was a bit confused during the whole process.

He thought the fried snails tasted average, at most the level of an ordinary night market stall. It was okay for a toothpaste, but it was not a serious dish. But just like this, they seemed to be eating some delicacies from the sea. Lu Xu felt a little bit in his heart. It’s uncomfortable, I always feel like life shouldn’t be like this.

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