Chapter 173 Supermarket

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After finding the backstage, Lu Xu also took the time to decorate it.

The store Lu Xuan picked was already quite spacious, but if he wanted to sell everything, the existing store was not enough. Lu Xu thought about it, but still had to think of a solution based on the area.

The layout of Qinglong City is also a common layout of streets and alleys. Qipan Street is not the most prosperous street. The connected alleys are full of ordinary people. Most of the shops facing the street are shops in the front and houses in the back. There are shops in the front and people living in the back. They are very spacious.

Lu Xuan chose this one too, and it was very spacious in the back - there were three entrances.

For no other reason than he wanted to be a warehouseman.

Based on this, Lu Xu decided to connect the front and the back.

In a house with three entrances, only the last one is used as a warehouse. The front part is connected with the store, making it an oversized facade.

There is no way, who allows him to have only one shopkeeper, and each shopkeeper can only look after one store.

He had just arrived, and Qinglong City was complicated. It was better to gather people in one place than to spread them out.

Lu Xuan and Luo Chun frowned when they heard his plan. A good house, changing it like this?

Lu Xu: "When our shop gets bigger in the future, I also want to buy the house next door and open it up together."

Lu Xuan and Luo Chun: "..."

It's a pity for Lu Xu. It's a pity that he doesn't have that much money.

Although ordinary people live in the alleys of Qipan Street and there are not many wealthy families, the houses are quite large and the price is not low.

Lu Xu regretfully gave up and quickly decorated Qinglong City before it was too cold.

After discussing with the masons, Lu Xu listened to their suggestions to leave a patio in the middle of the original yard and open windows.

Otherwise the lighting will be too poor.

The store is connected to the house with two entrances. The store is so deep that no sunlight can come in during the day, and it is so dark that even a torch is useless.

What can I do? Open the window.

Not only did the patio have to open windows, but Lu Xu also asked them to open several narrow windows on the originally opaque wall.

The windows are opened high and are only one hand high, so they are not afraid of attracting thieves. They are covered with light-transmitting window paper, and the eaves cover the rain and do not get wet.

Lu Xu was very satisfied.

All the original walls of the house that can be used are left, and some nails and small stakes can be driven in and things can be hung.

As for guests who may have to go around after coming in, then go ahead!

Anyway, it's open. He needs to walk a few more steps and change the scenery. The winding path leads to a quiet place. At most, he can hang a few signposts on the wall.

The shop was open as usual, and Lu Xu was doing a lot of construction work in the back. It only took five days to improve the back.

On the night of the fifth day, as soon as the shop closed, Lu Xu led people to smash through the wall, and replaced the original load-bearing wall with the beams and columns he had just bought. He repaired the places that needed to be repaired and mended the places that needed to be repaired, quickly creating a link connecting the front and back. door opening.

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