Chapter 4 Storybook

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Lu Xu went back to his room, a little depressed and a little aggrieved.

He has to live like this no matter who he provokes.

He lay on his back and was bored for a long time. He heard Yuan Manniang asking La Yue to look at the house. She went to dig wild vegetables with Lu Rui on her back, and sat up again.

Under these conditions, he really couldn't lie down.

La Yue, she was playing with the neighbor's children at the door. The two children were five and three years old. They were still old enough to be worried. They didn't hide from the sun at noon, so they squatted there and picked up leaves and had fun.

Seeing Lu Xu come out, Twelve Moon affectionately called her brother.

Playing with her is her neighbor Yan Wenzhen, who is three years old this year. She is as quiet and comely as her brother, but her face is rounder than his brother's, and she looks more sincere and family-like. The two families lived together near the village and often visited each other. Yan Wenzhen also called him brother when she saw him.

Lu Xu rubbed their little heads one by one and asked them, "Isn't it hot?"

The two children shook their heads.

Lu Xu asked them to move into the shade of the tree, climb up the tree, break off a big branch, and let them pull the leaves to play with.

The game of hooking leaves is very simple. One person picks up a handful of leaves, picks a strong petiole from the leaves in his hand, and places it with the opponent's to form a cross. After the hook is completed, each person pulls his own leaf and hooks it hard. Whose petiole hooks the other's? If you pull it off, you win.

This game requires not only strong leaves, but also strength. La Yue is two years older than Yan Wenzhen, so she has a big advantage and has already won a bunch of leaves. The broken leaves are not wasted. They are piled aside and taken home to feed the chickens after the game.

The leaves in Yan Wenzhen's hands were almost lost. He was pulling the leaves on the branches. His hands were smaller than those of the twelfth lunar month, and he was pulling the leaves slowly.

Lu Xu asked, "Where is your brother?"

Yan Wenzhen: "Brother studies."

"Oh." I almost forgot that Yan Junqi is the only scholar in his village. When the sun is nice, he must take the time to study. "You guys can have fun."

Lu Xu walked along the stream to the field. Summer is the time to play in the water. The water in the river is deep, and children in the village are not allowed to play by the river without an adult following them. The stream was as they pleased. It was no more than a foot deep, and even a child who could walk wouldn't be drowned if he fell in.

Lu Xu's family lived near the village, with a mountain behind them. The stream flowed down from the mountain and passed in front of his house. When he went out, he walked less than 20 meters to the stream. As he walked along the stream, he saw several monkeys wading in the water. The rocks by the stream had been soaked in water for years and grew moss. Not long after Lu Xu left, he saw two little boys of seven or eight years old slipping and falling into the water. They are so tough that they don't cry even if they fall. They get up and continue playing. If anyone cries, they will be laughed at by other children for a long time.

His younger brother Lu Zhou was carrying a basket and mowing the grass near the stream where the grass was the most luxuriant.

The basket was placed on the roadside, half full.

A child ran over and asked, "Brother Zhou, are you going to play in the mud?"

His brother: “I want to mow the grass.”

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