Chapter 143 Camp

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Qiu Hu and his entourage came at a gallop and did not slow down when they reached Lu Xu's caravan. They ran back and forth around the caravan twice before dismounting with a smile.

"Brother Lu, long time no see!"

"Xiao Lu, have you grown taller again?"

"No way, I didn't even look at him in the first lap."

A group of people laughed and laughed at Lu Xu.

Lu Xu said angrily: "Of course you can't see the mule because it's covering me. Could it be that I'm going to be taller than the mule?!"

"Our stone is about to catch up with the mule!" Uncle Tan said proudly.

Lu Xu heard the sound and looked for someone, but almost didn't recognize him.

Uncle Tan, who used to be dark and lean, is actually a lot stronger than when we last parted.

Lu Xu blurted out: "What did you eat? Did you steal someone else's sheep?"

Uncle Tan laughed loudly, "I can't even eat enough!"

After Qiu Hu exchanged greetings with Lu Qing, who was standing at the front of the team, he walked towards Lu Xu and slapped Lu Xu on the shoulder with his big, calloused hand. Lu Xu almost staggered, "Brother, long time no see!"

"Brother Tiger!" Lu Xu didn't notice anything, and went up to give him a bear hug. He touched Qiu Hu's armor and swallowed with his eyes shining, "This is so handsome! Brother Tiger, you look even more heroic!"

Qiu Hu blushed, not used to Lu Xu's unsubtle enthusiasm. He hugged Lu Xu awkwardly, patted Lu Xu on the back, "Let's go, it's not safe here, let's talk as we walk."


The caravan was escorted by cavalry, and the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

The guys who took turns to be scouts also returned to the team, walking and chatting with Qiu Hu's cavalry, asking about the situation here, and talking about the situation in Guanyang. In the past, there was a little gap between the mountain people and the county people, but now in Qianjiao Ridge Besides, they all became like a family.

Qiu Hu stopped riding and led the horse to accompany Lu Xu and Lu Qing on foot. "A few days ago, the new military household in the village said that they met a caravan from Guanyang on the road. I guessed it was you. Count the days. We should have arrived a long time ago, why are we so slow, but what trouble did we encounter on the way?”

"No, no, I was delayed in Dengzhou." Lu Xu crackled as he walked, briefly describing how he opened a tea shed and bought a shop in Dengzhou along the way. The only embellishment was that he met Chen Lian to suppress the bandits.

According to Lu Xu, the bandits were forced by life, and Chen Lian made great achievements in suppressing the bandits. Now the former is a prodigal, and the latter has great merits in persuading people to improve. Anyway, they are all good people, and we will all be one family from now on.

Chen Lian and the Menliang County bandits who were still in the team listened silently. No matter what Qiu Hu thought after hearing this, they were so ashamed that they felt uncomfortable all over.

As a result, Qiu Hu actually bowed his hands to them after hearing this, "Everyone who is Lu Xu's friend is my Qiu Hu's friend. Cooperating with Lu Xu means cooperating with me, Qiu Hu. I dare not say it anywhere else. If you are in the north of Qianjiao Mountains, If you encounter any trouble, just come to me, Qiu Hu, at any time!"

Everyone hurriedly said: "Don't dare, don't dare, Qiu Baihu is too polite." "We rely on Boss Lu to take care of us all the way." "In the past... in the past... uh..."

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