Chapter 131 Mountain Road

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After Wenqiu, further north is Chongning County.

Two petty officials said goodbye to them at the top of the mountain at the junction of Wenqiu and Chongning.

They accompanied them all the way for several days, and it took several more days to go back. Lu Xu was not stingy, and each of them gave them a tael of silver.

The two petty officials were very happy and said they didn't want to, but Lu Xu politely pushed them over.

It's such a long journey and everything will be heavy. It's better to give money. They want to drink and buy wine and eat meat when they go back.

After parting, they continued traveling north.

The mountains in Chongning County are steeper and the roads in Wenqiu County are more difficult.

In Wenqiu, they could stay in a village for an average of two days. When they arrived in Chongning, they almost slept in the open air.

On the third day, dark clouds gathered in the sky and started to rain. They happened to be walking on the mountain road again, and they were frightened all the way.

At this time, Liang Shanbao's background as a mountain man became an advantage, and the quality of the disarmed veterans in the team also emerged, especially those who had been on the battlefield for a long time, and they could walk steadily no matter how difficult the road was.

As long as others take care of themselves, they still have to take care of the goods.

Despite all preparations, they lost half of their truckload.

The wheels of the cart were broken and half the cart of grain fell out. They reloaded the cart, but the grain was also wet.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Lu Xu was afraid that if he continued like this, he would encounter a flash flood, so he asked the team to stop in a slightly spacious place to take shelter from the rain, while Liang Shanbao and the big man went to explore the way ahead.

A few people at the end of the team took the opportunity to repair the broken cart.

Seeing that the three guys in charge of the car were all crying, Lu Xu consoled him: "We are lucky. If the wine that fell was wine, we would be dead. We can still eat food! We will eat it tonight."

The three of them forced out a smile that was uglier than crying. If they only paid for it with grains, that car would be filled with rice! The further north you go, the more valuable the rice becomes! Even the combined wages of the three of them are not enough to compensate.

It rained for most of the day, and the muddy mountain roads were washed away by the rain, exposing stones. They waited for almost three hours before Liang Shanbao and the big man came back. "There is a village ahead and they agreed to let us stay there for the night."

Lu Xu: "Is the road still open?"

Liang Shanbao: "There is a section that is difficult to walk, but I can get over it."

Lu Xu: "Okay, let's leave quickly while the rain is light."

When we arrived at the place Liang Shanbao mentioned, it was already dark.

No one was spared, and they were all soaked in the water.

The village Liang Shanbao was talking about was a small mountain village. There were only more than thirty households in the village. When they saw so many people, they were so scared that they didn't dare to come out.

Lu Xu packed up and went to knock on the door with Liang Shanbao.

They always had to borrow some dry wood to light a fire for cooking and boil some ginger soup.

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