Chapter 123 Encourage

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Luo Chun is a strange person in the Luo family.

He is a fifth cousin at home, and is a cousin of Luo Shen. He is two years younger than Luo Shen. When he was a child, he learned boxing and kicking from Luo Xian Wei together, and he was very good at it.

A few years ago, I also worked as an official in the county government, but after only two years, I felt that being an official was boring. Wu Zhuanwen went to work as a tax collector for another year.

As soon as he left, it didn't matter. He turned around and reported the little tricks his colleagues secretly did when collecting taxes. As a result, a group of people were offended.

Official jobs have a good reputation, but their salaries are low. If you completely abide by the rules and don't do any tricks behind the scenes, you will basically not have enough to eat. Everyone acquiesces to this.

After all, the Luo family is also secretly collecting protection fees from shops of all sizes in the county.

The county magistrate at that time was not the one he is now. When he made a scene, the other party bit the Luo family in anger. Seeing that there was no way to end it, he and his colleague were eventually kicked out of the county government office.

In the county government, it was only said that the two of them were angry when they were young and started arguing and fighting randomly. In the end, the big issue was reduced to a trivial one, and it was just settled.

Luo Chun was scolded by her family and lived in peace for more than a year.

He had nothing to do, so he turned his energy to martial arts training and even went to other counties to find people to compete with.

Later, when the new county magistrate took office, he heard about this and wanted to recruit him back. However, at that time, Luo Chun wanted to open a martial arts school, so he rejected the magistrate.

It is said that because of this, he was severely beaten behind closed doors by his uncle, who is now the county captain.

Because his family didn't help and no one gave him money, his martial arts gym failed to be completed.

Luo Chun went home to farm in depression.

The elders in the family saw that he was unreliable, so after much deliberation, they introduced him to a family relationship, hoping that he would be able to stabilize his focus after he got married and started a career.

This daughter-in-law was chosen quite well. She was a distant relative of the Luo family. She was gentle and virtuous. Luo Chun had been honest for two years after getting married, but soon she couldn't stay idle anymore. I don't know what he told his wife, but he actually asked his wife to marry him. Hiding it from his family, he secretly went south on a boat trip with others.

He had been wandering for more than a year and had no idea that his wife was pregnant. When he came back with the special product, his wife had given birth to a baby.

Needless to say, he got another good beating when he came back, and his grandfather chased him for three miles with a cane.

After that, Luo Chun also felt that he was unreliable in the past and that what he did was not worthy of his family, especially his wife and children, so he stopped running around.

Nowadays, his main occupation is farming and hunting, and he goes to the city to sell whatever game he catches.

Lu Xu knew him, and it was Luo Chun who went to the city to sell game. It happened that Lu Xu had just sent a coupon to Luo's family. The brothers went to Lu Xu's shop for dinner together, and during chatting, Lu Xu gradually learned about his unruly past.

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