Chapter 112 Lobbying

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"Why?" Lu Xu asked.

He expected that Yuan Manniang might resist changing the environment. After all, in his impression, the little stepmother was still quite soft-tempered and cowardly.

Most people with such an honest and soft-spoken personality are reluctant to leave a familiar environment, but if he, Lu Zhou, and La Yue don't want to be separated from his brother on the balance, the balance should be easily tilted.

Could it be that she doesn’t want to give up her career?

Lu Xu thought.

I have to say that Yuan Manniang is still very enterprising.

Since I started teaching embroidery to others, I have become more independent and independent than before. I am no longer afraid of going out to meet people, and I also like to visit and chat.

This confidence and cheerfulness are visible to the naked eye.

In the past, Yuan Manniang was ashamed that she couldn't do anything well. She would panic in the kitchen for a while about what to do if the vegetables were overcooked. She would discuss everything with someone, no matter how big or small.

Now, it has been a long, long time since Lu Xu heard Yuan Manniang ask if this would work or if that would be good. He doesn't have to worry about anything at home.

This kind of confidence was embroidered by her stitch by stitch, and also by the girls, sisters-in-law and aunts in the village who surrounded her and got along with her day after day.

Now, Yuan Maniang knows more clearly about who and what happens in who's family in the village than Lu Xu.

He wanted to replace the roof with green tiles in the spring. He didn't need to ask his grandfather, third uncle, and the others. Yuan Manniang softly told him which people to find, how much to spend, and where to buy green tiles.

Lu Xu found that he still didn't seem to care enough about his family and didn't take care of his family.

Unintentionally, he left the housework and family to Yuan Manniang. She had to take care of two children by herself, do the housework of the whole family, make money from embroidery, and take care of all the worldly affairs of her relatives in her hometown.

In the past, Lu Zhou could still help, but now Lu Zhou goes to school, takes a day off every ten days, and spends most of the day teaching literacy at a grocery store.

The more I thought about Lu Xu, the more I felt ashamed of myself.

But the more this happens, the less he wants to be separated from his family.

Lu Xu was determined to convince Yuan Maniang.

Moreover, he felt that Yuan Manniang had greater potential and should not just stay at home and teach a few relatives to embroider. Even if she just likes to stay at home and in the village, she should at least try another way of life and not go back if she doesn't like it!

Unexpectedly, Yuan Manniang said: "Your father is in the village."

Lu Xu was stunned.

Yuan Manniang looked in the direction of the ancestral graves and said calmly: "We are all gone. He can't see us alone on the mountain. It's so deserted."

This answer left Lu Xu speechless for a moment.

Lu Zhou, who originally longed to live with his brother in the county seat, also languished.

Lu Zhou said lazily: "I don't want to go either."

Well, what else can Lu Xu say.

He also went out languidly to find Yan Junqi.

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