Chapter 30 Price Confusion

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After paying the food tax, Lujia Village did not slow down for three days.

The whole village is silent, there is no laughter, the children have no more candy, the shopkeepers no longer come, and even the third grandma's steamed stuffed bun shop is temporarily closed.

Before absorbing the impact of the increase in land tax, no one in the village would buy steamed stuffed buns, and every family put away the freshly ground white flour and started eating miscellaneous grains again.

The third grandmother went to the market to sell, but the business was not as good as before.

Lu Xu couldn't help but worry about his fried dough sticks business, and didn't know what the situation was like in the county.

The third aunt also asked.

How much food was confiscated from his family, but the third uncle's family had more. Lu Xu bought noodles from the county every day, which was heavy and expensive.

In previous years, all the harvested wheat was sold except for about a hundred kilograms of wheat to eat. But now it is different. Lu Xu would use fifty kilograms of flour a day. The more than twenty acres of wheat his family grinds out is only enough for a few grains. months. It’s not selling to anyone, it’s easier to sell to Lu Xu.

He discussed it with his fourth daughter-in-law and kept it for Lu Xu.

Third Aunt and Lu Xu discussed whether they should get a mill back and grind flour by themselves.

The third aunt said: "I'm thinking that all the flour sold in the grain store is not ground from wheat? Why don't we grind it a few more times to make it finer? I pick out our wheat seeds one by one, and the wheat seeds grow very big. It’s full and the fried dough sticks fried in flour are designated!”

Lu Xu also thinks that the wheat from Third Aunt's family is good. Their family farmed carefully. In the same field, the wheat from Third Aunt's family is fuller and heavier than that of others. Other people's family can harvest 300 kilograms from one acre of field, while his family can harvest 300 kilograms from one acre of land. three.

While they were discussing, Lu Wen slammed open the door of his house, rushed in and shouted profusely, "Mother! The merchants in the village received six thousand dollars for one stone of grain!"

Third Aunt lost all her fighting hands, "How much?!"

You must know that except for the time when Lu Xu accidentally met a merchant who offered high prices to buy military rations, the highest price of food last year was only one stone and four thousand yuan!

Lu Wen: "Six thousand! It's in the grain drying field, and many people are scrambling to sell it!"

Third Aunt and Lu Xu hurried to the grain drying field with Lu Wen.

Grain merchants rushed into the village with baskets of money, like a thunder blast that stunned the villagers who were living a numb and hopeless life.

The children ran to the fields to call for adults, and the women at home ran to the grain-drying field without taking care of their housework.

Grain prices have risen by half from their peak, and the huge surprise has washed away the disappointment of the grain tax.

Every household lined up to sell grain.

I regret everything I sold before.

Six thousand!

The third aunt's eyes are about to pop out of her head. If she sells a few stones of grain, she can get enough money to buy cattle! But when she saw Lu Xu, she became embarrassed again.

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