Chapter 59 Last Strike

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The whole Guanyang County was boiling. At dawn, all the people ran out of their homes, stepped on the main road of South Street and looked out of the city.

Officers and soldiers guarded all the roads from the city gate to the grain store, and no one was allowed to interfere with the transportation of grain. One large ship after another drove past the dock, and cart after cart of grain was transported into the grain store's granary.

The sun rose over the city wall, and the last cart of grain and grass was transported into the grain store. The grain store, which had been closed for many days, was filled with grain, and a huge sign was hung: Today's Nan Chen rice, fifty cents per catty.

The illiterate person quickly asked: "How much? How much is that?"

The literate man shouted excitedly: "Fifty cents! Fifty cents per catty!"

“How much can each family buy, and is there a purchase limit?”

"No limit, enough control! Enough control!"

"Oh my God!"

The crowd was boiling, and the officers and soldiers rushed to the grain store. The county captain arrived in person, and the commander and soldiers stood layer by layer next to each other to form a two-layer human wall, which was able to organize the frantic people into a neat team.

"There are enough grains and rice tubes! No need to squeeze or grab! Anyone who dares to take advantage of the chaos will be thrown into jail!"

The boy who delivered food and news from the boat gang didn't even take the food. As soon as he entered, he rushed into the prison in a panic, threw himself at Song San, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Sir! A large amount of food has arrived from the county. Let's The food can’t be sold!”

"Impossible!" Song San immediately smashed the water bowl.

"It's true! Listen, everyone is buying food outside!"

Song San pricked up his ears and listened carefully. It was noisy outside early in the morning, and someone even set off firecrackers. He put his ear to the wall and listened carefully. He couldn't hear anything except the sound of firecrackers. He grabbed his little brother and said, "Where Which family’s food comes from?”

"I don't know! I heard that the county magistrate came for me!"

"Impossible! We all know the whereabouts of all the food in Guanyang and Longxing County. Where did he get so much food!"

"It's not grain from Longxing, it's rice. It's all old rice! I heard it was a grain merchant that the county magistrate found from the south!"

Song San let go of him, sat down on the ground, and murmured: "Southern? County magistrate..."

"Third Master, I heard that the county magistrate's ancestral home is in the south. Could it be..."

"The imperial court has also requisitioned summer grain from Nanjun! The rice from Nanjun must be prepared as military rations. Who is so bold as to lend it to..." He was suddenly startled, "You mean, Chen rice?"

"Yes, it's all Chen rice! Fifty Wen per catty, five thousand Wen per stone, they're selling like crazy. When will Chen rice sell for Fifty Wen!"

Song San was stunned for a while.

New grain must be used as military supplies and must not be tampered with, but if the new grain is sufficient, the old grain can be disposed of and given to grain merchants!

He slapped the ground hard, "Is there any news about the second master?"

The younger brother said anxiously with a sad face: "No! If the county doesn't approve the road, let alone the state capital, we can't even get out of Guanyang!"

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