Chapter 178 Saw it

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When Lu Xu and his caravan arrived in Chongning, Chongning and Wenqiu counties were still immersed in the excitement of the trade fair.

Because of the good response, many merchants asked when it would be held next time.

The three counties did their own calculations. After excluding the food and lodging expenses on the road and eliminating the cost of entering the city, they still had some surplus just by collecting taxes.

Especially in Chongning and Wenqiu counties, they paid for the official escorts along the way, but the expenses were paid by Guanyang County.

After this trip, the officials were paid to work overtime, and the yamen didn't have to pay for it. Everyone was very happy.

After all, Chongning and Wenqiu were poor, and they didn't even have much luck as official officials.

Not to mention businessmen, big and small, they bought good goods at low prices and shipped them back and sold them quickly. Many people regretted being too conservative and had less money this time.

Wen Qiu and the other big merchants who had dined with Lu Xu once and were fooled by Lu Xu were all laughing from ear to ear.

They believed Lu Xu. This time they brought a lot of money and goods. They worked hard for two days and brought back a lot of goods for food and clothing. They walked to the villages and towns in Wenqiu for distribution along the way. Their colleagues in Chongning still asked them whether they should go there. few.

I haven't even started selling it in my own shop yet, and I'm almost getting my money back.

What makes Chongning and Wenqiu counties the most happy is that they have found a market for mountain products. This product is not valuable here. Every family is not in short supply, but it cannot be used as food to satisfy their needs. They have been working hard to sell it. of cheap.

It's different now.

There are two southern merchants who have a shop in Guanyang and they have agreed that they will receive goods from them all year round. As long as they can be delivered to Guanyang, they can just send them there. They want as much as they want.

The most profitable thing is Guanyang.

The role of a waterway transfer terminal has begun to bear fruit.

Not to mention the commercial taxes collected, many idle laborers in Guanyang found work before and after this trade.

It is the slack time for farming, and if they can earn an extra penny, the winter will be easier.

Those with lively ideas not only work as stevedores at the docks, but also start a business of buying and selling pallets, leasing them, repairing and modifying pallets, helping merchants who don't have enough pallets to carry them, widening and lengthening their trucks, or selling cars to them.

The people selling food in the shops also made a small fortune. Although the county government shared half of the food expenses when eating at the post station, people were already in Guanyang, and the rich businessmen always wanted to try the food in Guanyang.

Chongning people especially love to eat fish.

There are no big rivers or big fish in Chongning, so they satiated their craving in Guanyang. Braised, steamed, raw clams, fish soup, fish balls... they wanted to try them all, and a businessman even bought a truckload of dried fish.

Guanyang fish is cheap!

Dried fish is easy to preserve, and there is a lot of salt on it. It doesn’t hurt to take it back and sell it as pickles!

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