Chapter 120 New Dishes

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In the blink of an eye, Qingming Festival is here. Although it is not a holiday every ten days, county schools and colleges have a holiday for students to go back to worship their ancestors.

Tomb Sweeping Festival is a major festival, and it is also a good time for spring outings. There are many people from nearby villages and towns coming to the city to sell flowers and flower baskets on the streets of the county.

I bought one in the twelfth lunar month and carried it all the way from my home in the county town to the pier without letting Lu Xu hold it. I carried the small flower basket and walked with small steps.

Although Lujia Village also has the custom of picking flowers and making flower baskets during the Qingming Festival, the ones made in the village are not as exquisite as those sold in the county.

The small bamboo basket in the hands of the twelfth lunar month is light and thin. Flowers and willow branches of various sizes are woven into the shape of flowers. There are also a few straw dragonflies and grasshoppers inserted in the middle, as if they are lying on the flowers.

I have never seen such a beautiful flower basket in the twelfth lunar month, and neither has Lu Xu. He didn't like to grow flowers before, and he didn't do much research. He was very curious when he saw all kinds of flower baskets. In addition to the flower baskets, he also bought several garlands and planned to take them back to the village for a few children to play with.

Such colorful flowers are quite difficult to find without looking for them. Lu Xu even wondered if someone had planted them specially to make garlands and sell them during the Qingming Festival.

Worship ancestors, go outing, have dinner together, dig wild vegetables in the mountains...

Qingming Festival is lively and lively, but sad but not painful.

Especially this year, those disarmed soldiers who thought they would never return home have now returned safely, and they all ceremoniously made up for the incense and candles they had owed for many years.

On Tomb Sweeping Day, the mountain where the ancestral tombs of Lujia Village are located is filled with the smell of incense.

In previous years, after ancestor worship in the morning, in the afternoon all the women and children in the village would carry small baskets and start digging wild vegetables in front of and behind the village. This year, almost only children were involved in digging wild vegetables.

All the adults in the village, both men and women, went to work on the hillside of Lu Xu.

At the beginning of the month, all the large and small restaurants that Lu Xu held shares gave away all their dividends in exchange for this year's recipes. Lu Xu now had money and started spending money again.

He wanted to take advantage of the beginning of spring to raise chickens and ducks.

The location had been chosen for a long time. It was on the southern slope of the mountain in the north of the village. It was the gentlest slope, and it was also the location chosen by Lu Xu to open up wasteland at the beginning of the year. From the foot of the mountain to the mountain, it was all his.

He had thought about it. The upper part was planted with newly planted fruit trees, and chickens and ducks were raised below. He could raise chickens and ducks this year, and next year he would raise pigs and sheep next to it.

Lu Xu gestured to the villagers who came to build it, "From here to here, this is a chicken's nest, and this is a duck's nest."

Everyone murmured that the chicken coop you drew is obviously to build a house! Who builds such a big chicken coop?

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