Chapter 9 Confusion

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Yan Junqi lit an oil lamp and memorized poems and books silently in the study. The village was quiet at night, the birds had all rested, and only the gurgling water by the stream and the occasional croaking of frogs were heard. The dim light of the oil lamp shines on the book, making it easier to concentrate than during the day.

Yan Junqi rubbed his forehead, suppressed his sleepiness, took a sip of strong tea, and continued to recite. Suddenly, there was a sound at the window. Yan Junqi was still looking for light and bumped into him. Unexpectedly, he looked up and was startled to see a silhouette.

The person outside the window knocked on his window again and called him in a low voice, "Jun Qi, open the window, it's me."

Lu Xu?

Yan Junqi opened the window and saw Lu Xu's smiling head. Lu Xu pushed fried snails to him through the window and asked Yan Junqi to open the door, but he ran away quickly.

Yan Junqi was stunned and went to open the door with a lamp. Lu Xu was already waiting outside his door.

"I think your place is the only one with a little light in the whole village. Can't you sleep?" Lu Xu lowered his voice and asked him energetically.

Yan Junqi: "..."

No, he was actually quite sleepy and wanted to sleep.

There was a visitor in the middle of the night. Although the time was not very suitable, the visitor was a visitor. He was so familiar and brought gifts. He couldn't turn the person away, so Yan Junqi let Lu Xu into the study.

Lu Xu tiptoed and walked in quietly. Yan Junqi also shrank unconsciously, inexplicably feeling guilty about being a thief in his own home.

Lu Xu saw the books on his table and asked, "Are you still reading so late at night?"

Yan Junqi nodded, with a hint of unnoticeable anguish in his voice, "The hospital exam is coming in the fall."


The imperial examination is a single-plank bridge.

Lu Xu had just suffered from the college entrance examination, and he felt very much the same way. He admired Yan Junqi, a top student who wanted to cross a single-plank bridge. After thinking about it, he couldn't express his admiration in words, so he had to encourage him with actions.

Lu Xu grabbed a handful of fried snails from Yan Junqi's hand and said, "Studying requires a balance between work and rest. Come on, eat some snails to replenish your brain, and rest for a while before continuing to memorize."

Yan Junqi's clean hands were dipped in a handful of sauce.

This time Lu Xu came prepared. He had just broken two bamboo branches outside to use as skewers.

Bamboo doesn't grow here, and the climate is not suitable. Only discerning families plant a few moso bamboo trees. There is a row of moso bamboo planted outside the wall of Yan Junqi's house. His father exchanged it with someone when he went to sell mats. He heard that scholars loved bamboo because it showed elegance and integrity, so he carried it back to his son.

After five or six years of growth, the lush green bamboos have grown into patches.

Yan Junqi followed Lu Xu's example and used a skewer to pick out the snail meat.

The two of them ate snails for a while. Lu Xu asked, "Is your shoulder broken?"

Yan Junqi nodded, "It's broken."

Lu Xu: "Hey, I guess so."

He shrugged his skinned right shoulder and showed it off to Yan Junqi, "I'm already skinned, and you must be skinned. Will you go to the market next time?"

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